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Diya's POV:

6 days passed within a blink of an eye. I have enjoyed the excursion with my friends to the fullest and created more memories. That was the last day of the trip. The next morning we would move back to our homes.

When it was evening, we all went to the kovalam beach to enjoy the view of sunset and to play and have fun as usual.

When Me, Kavya and Nisha were walking towards the beach, chatting and laughing with each other, we crossed a seashell craft store and my eyes landed on a seashell craft. The craft was, In a square shaped brown wooden base, different sized, multicoloured seashells were pasted to make a heart shape and it was written 'My heart belongs to you forever' in the centre of the heart. The whole craft was protected in a glass frame with baby pink coloured wooden borders.

I wanted to buy it for Arun. I thought of giving it to him while confessing my love and exclaimed, "Hey, I want to buy it, Let's go inside this shop," and ran inside.

"Oh God!! She is running like a child," Kavya and Nisha were exasperated and they too ran behind me.

We entered the shop and I took that showpiece in my hands.

"Oh.. Is it for Arun anna?" Nisha asked teasingly.

"Yes.." I blushed, running my fingers over the glass frame and went to my dream mode. I dreamt how My Arun would react on seeing this craft. Definitely, that monkey won't know the complete meaning of my heart belongs to you forever, as it was in English. As usual his overflowing brain will ask questions, I thought and chuckled, "My sweet monkey will ask questions."

"Why are you smiling to yourself?" Kavya and Nisha asked in unison, making me come out of my thoughts.

"Nothing." I smiled with a blush.

"She might have singing and dancing duet with Arun," Kavya teased.

"Shut up.. " I furrowed my eyebrows, feeling embarrassed and asked the shopkeeper to pack it. He packed it in a bubble wrapper and handed it to me. I paid, keeping the craft in my bag and came out of the shop.

Paayal's POV:

As diwali was approaching, I was deep cleaning the home. On that day, After having my lunch, I chose to clean Diya's room and I took out her previous years notebooks, assignments, etc.. from the loft and kept it down on the bed.

After cleaning the loft, I took the old notebooks one by one from the bed and I was dusting the notebooks. When I was dusting, Some papers fell on the floor from one of the notebooks. I took those papers from the floor and checked to see whether it is important to keep or to throw out. One of the paper read,

My friends Nisha and Gowtham love each other and they are not spending time with me like before. It is disappointing to me. Will love separate friendship? I miss old Nisha and Gowtham nowadays. But it's okay, I have my bestest friends My Maa, Papa and my sweet brother. They will always be with me. So, Don't worry. Keep smiling, Diya.

I knew she has the habit of writing Diary and we never read any of her diaries. But, I didn't know when she started to write her worries in single sheets. I smiled while reading that and checked the next paper.

It read,

Today, That filthy Arun kissed me with his dirty mouth. It's disgusting. Disgusting to the core. It's okay, Diya. You will forget it when time passes. Don't worry. Keep smiling, Diya. Smile, Diya. No, I am not able to smile. I am not able to erase the kiss from my mouth and my mind. It feels disgusting like thousands of cockroaches crawling on my body. I don't want to live with this disgusting feeling. I don't want to live.

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