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Arun's POV:

When it was evening about 4 o'clock, I took permission from my academy and came out. I was grateful to my academy that they allowed me to take leave and permission whenever I needed. Only when some music competitions were held, they won't give leave. Otherwise they were very flexible.

I got an auto and reached the coffee shop at 4.10. I entered the coffee shop and looked around. Diya's friend Nisha waved her hands to me. I smiled and walked to her.

"Hi, Where is Diya?" I asked.

"First of all, Happy birthday, Anna." She gave me a handshake.

"Thank you." I smiled and reciprocated the handshake.

"Diya and Kavya went to buy a gift for you. And this is Gowtham," She introduced.

"Oh, Hi," I greeted.

"Hi Anna, Happy birthday," He wished. I thanked him too and sat down in a chair opposite to them.

"Diya told many things about you...." Gowtham was saying.

"What did she say about me?" I intervened in an urge to know what she told about me to them.

"That... You are a sweet person and... " Nisha paused teasingly.

"And..?" I asked with a smile, my heart fluttering.

"And a good friend of hers." She finished her sentence.

"Oh, I may be a good friend of hers. But she is my best friend." I admitted. Nisha and Gowtham looked at each other, raising their eyebrows and smiled teasingly. I wondered whether they found out my love for Diya and recalled my own words "She is my best friend". I couldn't find anything in my words which would reveal my love and I was puzzled.

"Okay Anna, I am glad to meet you and you should come for my sister's marriage. My friends already invited you, they said. But it's my duty to invite you personally. So, I am inviting you now." Gowtham smiled.

Even if he is not inviting me personally, I will definitely go with My Diya. I was waiting for that day to travel with my Diya.

"Sure, I will come," I said. He nodded.

By this time, Diya and Kavya had arrived. They came to our table.

"Happy birthday, Arun," Kavya wished. I thanked her and looked at Diya who sat down near me.

"Many more happy returns of the day. May all your dreams come true. May your life be filled with love and laugh" Diya wished, looking at my eyes lovingly with a warm smile.

She never looked at me lovingly like that. It was the first time and For a moment, I lost myself in her loving eyes, forgetting everything and admitted looking at her eyes, "If you are with me, my life will always be filled with love and laughter."

"Wahi Mere liye bhi (Same goes for me too)" She said something in hindi, still looking at my eyes. But I didn't know Hindi and I didn't care about it either. She was talking in Hindi with her mother too, sometimes at home. But I never cared what they were talking about. Now too I didn't care about it. My attention was only on her loving eyes which exhibited love.

Kavya faked a cough which made us come out to the actual world. I jerked, turning away, a blush appearing on my face, and suddenly I wanted to know what she said in Hindi because her eyes expressed love when she said it. I tried to recollect her words.. "Wahi....Merli... " I couldn't recollect properly.

"Diya, What did you say in hindi?" I asked.

She smiled teasingly at me and said, "Hmm, I said happy birthday once again."

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