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Diya's POV:

One week had passed. I didn't even have a formal talk with Arun after giving his debit card back. But I could see him playing guitar in our house's garden every evening. And During our exercise time too, we both kept quiet. Even if I tried to initiate some formal talk, the monkey just answered me in one word, avoiding me. Though he loves me and wanted to talk with me, I understood that he was staying away because of my word 'torture' and that behaviour of him, increased my love for him. I was waiting for three more weeks to complete soon and wanted to tell him that I was only testing him and wanted to see his funny reaction.

It was sunday. The aroma of the delicious chicken curry filled our home. Me and Vijay walked to the dining room to have our breakfast. But to our surprise, Arun was also coming down to have his breakfast. Usually he wakes up after 9 o'clock only during Sundays and he will have breakfast alone at about 11 o'clock in sundays. But that day, he came to have breakfast about 8.30 itself with us. He is going out to meet his friends today too it seems, I thought, my colour draining from my face.

"Good morning, anna. You woke up earlier today it seems. It may rain today," Vijay said teasingly.

He just smiled in response and walked to the dining table.

Papa was already having breakfast. Me, Arun and Vijay sat down in the dining chairs. My Maa came from the kitchen and served breakfast to us and she too sat down to eat.

Arun was just eating quietly.

"Arun, Why have you been so silent since last week? The brightness is not there in your face like before. Why? Any problem?" Papa asked.

"No. I am alright." He forced a smile.

"I think Arun anna wants to marry, and no one is loving him. That's why he is sad." Vijay giggled. Somewhat, it was the truth too.

My Papa laughed, "Is it? Do you want to marry? Shall I search for a bride for you?"

On hearing it, I choked on the food I was eating.

"Careful, dear," Amma said affectionately, tapping my head, and gave me water. I drank the water, calming down myself and thought, "Diya, If you leave, Your Papa and Maa themselves will bring a bride for him, it seems."

"Are you alright?" Papa asked, interrupting my thoughts.

"Yes, Papa." I replied, forcing a smile.

Then he turned to Arun and asked again, "Tell me. Shall we search for a bride for you?"

I wanted to hit my Papa's head and to tell him that your daughter is there as his bride. But I couldn't.

"No No.. Vijay is just playing. I don't have any interest in marriage," Arun replied like a saint.

"Why? You completed 25 years. I got married at the age of 25 only. That too, because of my fate which made me wait. Otherwise, I was ready to get married at the age of 17 itself." My Papa winked playfully.

Before Arun could say anything, my Maa intervened playfully, "Krishna... If you married me in the age of 17, then you would have been in jail."

"But.. Paayal, I actually married you at the age of 17 only," He said.

"What? When?" My Maa widened her eyes.

"In my heart," He said in a dreamy way, placing his hand on his chest.

"Oh..." My Maa blushed which made me and Vijay laugh. But Arun just smiled lightly.

"Don't laugh and Don't tease us." My Maa blushed more, looking down as if she got married today.

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