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Arun's POV:

Two days passed within a blink of an eye in buying dresses for our wedding, arranging for our marriage, inviting close friends and family, etc. It was the evening before our marriage. Me and Pari got ready to go to the wedding hall. The marriage was fixed in a temple nearby the wedding hall and the reception was arranged in the wedding hall. Every guest was invited to the wedding hall to stay in the previous night and to attend the wedding in the early morning and reception till afternoon.

I had mixed feelings of excitement and amazement. I couldn't believe that I am going to marry my love within the next 12 hours. Everything that happened in the last 8 months seemed like a sequence of a dream. I never thought of love, marriage and family. But within a short period of time, everything happened like a dream just because of an angel Diya.

I was cursed to live a lonely life and did many unforgivable sins too. But my angel Diya gave me a redemption from my curses and forgave my sins too. She didn't only carve a hard rock into a statue. She gave life too to the statue and gave a place to that statue in her temple like home and sanctum like heart. I promised myself to treat my angel with a lot of love, respect and trust and entered the wedding hall with Pari.

It was late evening when I entered the wedding hall. There were about a hundred people around in the wedding hall. Some were sprinting here and there, some were chatting with each other, Some were arranging the stage for reception and some were stringing flowers. It gave me a festival occasion. But suddenly one thing hitted me hard. Everyone was from Diya's side. No one was there from my side. I invited Nivas and all of them from our children's home. But they would attend the wedding in the morning only. The excitement about my wedding took a back seat and the worry of having no one from my side popped out. I felt alone with mixed feelings. I didn't know whether to worry about not having a good family or to be happy about getting a beautiful family.

On the other hand, Pari jumped and clapped, looking at the string lights, flower hangings, beautiful stage decorations with the same yellow everlasting flowers which I once gifted to Diya.

I pulled myself out of my worries, on looking at Pari. The little her was the only one I had from my side, the only solace I had at that moment. I lifted her in my arms and embraced her warmly, thinking, "Thank you for accepting me as your Appa. Otherwise, I would have felt like an orphan now."

"Appa....!!, Amma and Mama (mom's bro) are standing there," Pari pointed her fingers at Diya and Vijay who were standing in a distance and chatting with a boy.

I walked towards them, forgetting my worries. Diya too saw us, a blushing smile appearing on her face and waved her hands to us. On seeing her blushing smile, I got my excitement back about our marriage and winked mischievously.

Diya widened her eyes and shook her head slightly indicating not to behave mischievously in the crowd. I chuckled and approached them.

"Amma... " Pari stretched her hands to Diya from my arms. I smiled and gave Pari to her.

"Kavin, This is my Mama cum Anna who is going to marry my akka," Vijay introduced me to the boy who was standing with them.

"Oh.. Hi anna," He greeted.

"Hi.. " I smiled.

"This is my best friend Kavin," Vijay told me.

Before I could even react to him, a girl ran to us and exclaimed, "I wore this new dress. How is it akka?"

She was wearing a pink coloured netted long gown, her hair was styled with a french braid and she asked like a child flaring her gown. I wondered who the child was, whether Pari or that girl or my Diya. Everyone around me looked like children in the eyes of a 26 year old me. Diya smiled, "You are pretty as always."

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