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Arun's POV:

The next morning, I woke up late by 8 o'clock. I didn't do exercise that day. I got up from the bed, feeling heavy in my head because of my hangover. I clutched my head and tried to remember everything that happened on the previous day. I remembered how Diya cried, my heart aching. I hated myself for drinking impulsively.

I wanted to apologize and got down from the bed to go and bathe before meeting Diya. I opened my cupboard to take my clothes and my hands found my diary which I missed writing yesterday. I took out that note, sitting on the floor and opened it.

I wrote,


அம்மாவை அம்மா என்று அழைக்க முடியாத துரதிர்ஷ்டசாலி நான்
என்று உணர்ந்த நாள்.
(The day when I realised how unlucky I am as I couldn't call my mother as mother)

I closed the notebook with a heavy heart and went to take a bath. When the shower was showering on me, I remembered how I said I love you to Diya without consciousness and my heart skipped a beat.

"Oh shit.. " I pressed my hands on my forehead, while the water was showering on me. I didn't know how I was going to face her, my heart pounding in my chest.

I wanted to meet her and apologize for everything. I bathed quickly, got ready and went down with my guitar bag, as it was time for my academy too.

When I entered the dining hall, Diya was having her breakfast. Amma and Appa were standing outside the home. Amma went to send off Appa to the hospital it seemed. I gulped the lump in my throat and said hesitantly," Good morning, Diya."

She was just eating without replying to me.

I felt a pang in my heart in her silence and said again, my voice muffling, "Diya, Good morning."

She looked up at me and glared.

On seeing her glare, I remembered my own words which I said in intoxication, "I like your glare very much. If you glare, I may kiss you." Though it was true, I should have not told that before she accepts my love. I knew, How Diya would react to it and I gulped the lump in my throat and cursed the alcohol.

"D... Diya.. " I stammered.

"What?! I should not glare at you. Isn't it?! If I glare, You may kiss me. This is what you want to say, right?" She asked flatly, standing up from her chair, and walked to wash her hands.

"No.. No Diya, Sorry," I stammered and walked behind her. She was simply washing her hands.

"Sorry for everything Diya. Forget everything that happened yesterday. I know you will not accept my love. That's why I was hiding it all these days. But somehow, it came out without my consciousness. I know you are angry because of my brainless words. But... Please, forgive me. Please forget love, kiss...everything I said without consciousness. Please be with me as a friend just like before. That's enough for me. Please smile and talk to me as usual," I pleaded.

She walked towards her room without responding to me. I held her hand to stop her. She glared at me.

"Please talk to me," I said in a pleading tone.

"Leave my hand," She said flatly.

"I won't leave your hand till you at least show your innocent smile. I want to see your smile," I replied.

"Maa..... " She shouted suddenly which made me have a jerk and leave her hand.

She looked at me with a winning attitude and said in a warning tone, "Now, You left my hands na. Don't play with this Diya."

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