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Arun's POV:

The influence of whiskey waned in me after about 4 hours of dog-like sleep. As I fluttered my eyelids open I found myself in a dark room. I realised the evening had slipped to night. My rumbling stomach restricted me from continuing my sleep. I got down from the bed and thought of buying a noodle pocket to prepare my dinner. As I switched on the lights and pulled a shirt from my luggage, a sudden blare of car horn pierced my ears from the gate. I shifted my eyes towards the partly opened window of my bedroom, towards the source of the noise. A part of the garden and the gate was clearly visible from my bedroom window.

Soon, Mrs. Paayal rushed out of the home and unlocked the gate. The car glided into the small parking area amidst the garden, and a handsome middle aged man stepped out of the car. Mrs.Paayal hugged him gently. It was evident that he was her husband. He reciprocated the hug with a smile. She released the hug and touched her cheek with her forefinger, looking at him with a blush. It was a silent request for a kiss. Her husband looked around to make sure no one was watching them, and gently pecked on her cheeks. They both smiled at each other and disappeared into their home. I couldn't help, but roll my eyes on seeing their dramatical love.

Shrugging off their dramatic love, I turned my concentration to my own rumbling stomach. I wore my shirt and walked towards the door. But, Before I could open the door someone knocked on the door. "Mr. Music..." Her honey like sweet voice reached my ears.

A grin spread on my lips. I liked my new pet name 'Mr. Music'. On top of it, I liked her sweet voice. I immediately approached the door. But I stopped my legs when I realised I still had a dirty alcoholic smell on my body.

"Wait a minute," I replied, hastily approaching the washbasin. I cleaned my face thoroughly and sprayed my wild stone perfume generously till it masked my alcoholic smell. Then, I rushed to the door, and opened the door with a grin.

Little Diya was standing near the entrance, wearing a white top with 3/4 sleeves, a pink full length skirt and a pink dupatta that covered her chest, hiding her feminine beauty from my eyes. I cursed that dupatta in my mind. Her medium length silky hair was left free with a side partition. A little black bindi between her arched eyebrows added beauty to her crescent forehead. As far as I knew she didn't use any makeup on her skin. Yet, She looked like an angel. The wings were only missing.

"Had your dinner?" She asked.

"No, I am just going out to buy noodles," I replied.

"Alright! Come and eat with us. You don't need to buy noodles." A generous smile played on her lips.

"No, thanks," I denied, as I didn't want to go to their home when I am still having the alcohol effect on me. Cheating little Diya was easy. But their family might find my drinking habit, I thought.

With a frown, she grabbed my hands in a swift, and pulled me out of my home.

"Hey, leave me Diya," I yelled. For the first time, I yelled at a girl to leave my hands. Not because I was uncomfortable. Undoubtedly her hand felt wonderful on me. But, I didn't want to join her family for dinner.

With the same frown, she kept her forefinger on her mouth. "Shhh..."

I fell silent, admiring her beauty and innocent actions. She added, "I am the owner of the house. You should obey me. Otherwise, I will make you obey me like this only." She pulled me forcefully to the garden.

I didn't know whether I should be happy or embarrassed. But, I threw away my little embarrassment soon and started enjoying her hand on me.

When we reached near the swing in the garden, She left my hand. "Wait for two minutes. The dinner will come now," She said.

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