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Diya's POV:

It was lunch time in my college. Me and My friends Gowtham, Nisha and Kavya went to the canteen to have our lunch. Gowtham was a hosteller. But he always has his lunch in the canteen because he always wants to be with Nisha during college hours.

The canteen was filled with indistinct chatter. We occupied a table. Gowtham went to buy some food for him. Kavya was glancing at her mobile.

While waiting for Gowtham, Nisha asked worryingly, "Diya, it's going to be two weeks since your bandage has been removed. Still your scar on your forehead is visible clearly. When will it be healed completely?"

"I don't know. My Papa said that it may take years or a laser surgery will be needed." I sighed.

"Won't you be careful on the terrace? Can anyone fall down from the terrace accidentally? You only can do these types of naughtiness." She shook her head in disappointment.

"Leave it, Nisha. Now I am alright completely." I smiled.

"But, when it comes to your marriage, the groom may reject you because of this scar na. Do a laser surgery, if it is not fading." She suggested.

It was irritating. I believe, love looks at the heart, not the skin! I replied annoyingly, "Nisha, I don't want anyone who looks at my outer skin. I told my Maa and Papa too about this and they too accepted it and they too left the idea of laser surgery. It's just a two inch scar."

"No, I didn't mean it. But it's our face which gives a first impression na. It's no doubt, you are more beautiful than me even now. But people's eyes automatically will go to your scar, ignoring your beautiful face. Just like our focus goes to the small black spot in a big sheet of white. So, Think again and do a laser surgery, if you wish. It's just my suggestion." She forced a smile.

Gowtham reached our table by now.

"Gowtham, will you break up your love, if nisha gets any scar in her face like me?" I asked.

"No way. Why?" He asked, looking at me puzzled.

Nisha interrupted, "Diya, We love each other. We already know about each other's heart. So, any type of scar will not affect our relationship. I am talking about the first impression. First impression!" She stressed her words.

"Leave it, Nisha. Don't make me think negatively. We are studying psychology and you are demotivating me." I pouted.

"I didn't demotivate you. I just said the reality. It's okay. I won't talk about it. It's your face and it's your wish." She said and added on playfully, "I hope, A prince will come and look at this princess's beautiful face and heart, ignoring the small scar."

I smiled with a light shyness.

"Hey guys, look here. I found a YouTube channel. He is playing the guitar so beautifully" Kavya intervened excitedly and showed her mobile to us. She is more innocent than me, a talkative girl more than me and a music freak.

We all peeped into her mobile. It was Arun's YouTube channel.

"Hey, He is my friend. In fact, he is staying in our home and I only created this channel." I admitted, lifting my imaginary collars proudly.

"Is it?! Then please, please, let me meet him." She pleaded.

I smiled because of her excitement. "Hmm okay, you can meet him. But he will come back to our home in the late evenings only. So meet him in the weekend."

"Why?! I can meet him today itself na?" She pouted.

"Hmm, if you can wait for him in our home till 8'o clock, you can meet him today itself." I replied.

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