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Arun's POV:

The long period of one month passed slowly in bed and I almost recovered completely with the help and care of Diya's...No...with the help and care of my family. In the last month, in my hard time while I was struggling with my body to regain my health, I learned what family is and I got complete family's love which I didn't even get from my own family. Their care helped me to recover even more fastly.

I felt blessed for meeting with that accident and I thanked that rogue Vicky in my heart for hitting the car on me. If I was not met with that accident, I would have not experienced the family's love. The wounds I had in my body healed the wounds I had in my heart by experiencing the family's love for 24/7.

Amma fed me food and helped me to try walking, wrapping my arm around her shoulder during day times. She helped me in walking like a mother teaching her little child to walk. Appa gave a bed bath and he too fed me during dinners, Vijay sometimes gave gentle compressions to my legs, hands and back when I was in pain and My Diya...she took care of me like a child whenever she was free from studies.

After knowing about my parents, she didn't show any sympathy for me and she didn't talk anything about my parents after that. But She showed extra care and love to me more than before. Her love was visibly coming out. She spent time with me, told poor jokes to make me laugh though I had pain in my body, did role play like a mother often, phoned me often from her college even between her classes. Even the stupid me was able to understand that she loves me and wants to give her love for the whole life just like me. I was waiting for her to confess her love.

As I recovered, I was ready to resume my job and I rejoined my job too. When it was evening, I came out of the academy in a hurry, as Diya was going to Kerala for an excursion with her college mates for one week. Her college arranged this excursion for final year students, she said. I wanted to go home soon to send her off. I wanted to speak with her before she leaves. I didn't know how I was going to live without seeing her for one week till she returned. But thanks to the mobile phone, I can at least hear her voice in this one week, I thought and rushed to the home.

As I reached home by 7'o clock, I could see Amma's sad face because of Diya's departure. As usual Appa was consoling her. Diya's luggage was on the sofa. But Diya was not there in the hall. It's true, Me and Amma were sailing in the same boat. We didn't want Diya to go on the excursion. That too for one week. But Diya wanted to join her friends, as it is her final year and she won't get this chance of creating memories with her friends again. So, Amma finally said okay. I too accepted her decision to go on an excursion with a heavy heart.

When I was walking towards them, my mobile phone rang in my pocket. I passed a gentle smile on Amma and Appa and took out my mobile. It was Diya. Now, I let out an awkward grin at them and attended the call, moving towards my room to talk alone.

"Hello..." I greeted.

"Go to the terrace. I will come now," She whispered and disconnected the call. Vijay was with her in her room, it seemed. Naughty Diya was calling me to talk alone, I understood. I really didn't know what would happen, if Amma and Appa came to know about our atrocities. I smiled, keeping my guitar bag down and again turned to the hall to go upstairs.

"Why are you going upstairs? Your room is changed here na?" Amma stopped me. I didn't know what to say suddenly.

"That...That." I stammered while my mind was preparing a lie and I lied, "I have put my clothes to dry on the terrace, ma. I am going to take it."

"Oh okay. Diya is about to move now. Come soon and bid bye to your friend." She smiled. I nodded, keeping my face innocently and walked upstairs.

Actually I didn't hang any clothes to dry on the terrace. The messy me had the habit of washing just 3 to 4 clothes whenever I got time and I would hang it in the room's window itself. I wondered what I was going to answer them, if they asked where my dried clothes were when I came back.

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