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Diya's POV:

When the mobile showed no signal, "Arun, There is no signal here. We have to wait here, till the rain stops." My voice quivered.

"Damn it." He yelled, running his fingers through his wet hair.

When he ran his fingers through his wet hair to wipe away the water, it looked stylish and I was literally sighting him, ignoring his yelling voice.

"This is why, I told you to call Gowtham first itself" He said frustratingly, turning his eyes to me. As soon as his eyes turned to me, I stopped admiring him and said,"It's okay Arun, Let's wait till the rain stops."

"Hmm.. " He hummed, peeping out and looking up at the sky.

We stood there near the entrance of the hut for about ten minutes, both of us still in wet clothes. Suddenly Arun noticed my shivering and said, "Diya, You are shivering. You are not well too. We can't wait here anymore. Let me go and buy an umbrella. At the same time, mobile signal too may show up near the shops. Let me go and try to call Gowtham too. You wait here."

"No... " I said instantly in a reflex, because it was dark everywhere. The time just crossed 7. But it looked like it was midnight because of the climate. We couldn't see any people or homes as far as our eyes could see. We could see only lights in the homes which were located in a long distance in the mountain slope. It was a nice scenery. The light from every home in the mountain slope looked like the shining stars in the sky. But those stars couldn't spread their lights till our place. The place where we were standing was dark and I felt afraid to stay alone there even for a second.

"Diya, Don't be afraid like a child. I will go and come soon. I can't let you shiver like this," He said casually in a hurry and stepped out in a hurry.

"Then, I will also come with you," I announced firmly, keeping my mobile inside my chudidar pant pocket, running behind him, and held his hand, the rain falling over us again. But as soon as I held his hand, even before he could react, I slipped in the slippery mud, making him too fall down with me in the mud and we rolled down to a certain distance, hugging each other because it was a slope. Finally we landed on a flat surface, rain showering over us. He was on the mud now and I was partially lying on him, my heart racing.

We couldn't see each other clearly because of the darkness around. But his hands around me added chills to my already shivering body. In the coldness everywhere around, my body wanted heat it seemed. I didn't know whether it was because of my hormones Or chill weather or My love or mixing of all these, I wanted to rub myself against him. But I held myself back and I was about to get up. Suddenly a bright lightning streak gave me a clear glimpse of his wet face which made me lose some control and I didn't want to get up.

A big bang of thunder was followed by the lightning, making me have a jerk and I held him tightly, burying my head in his chest, murmuring, "Arun.."

"Diya..Please get up." His voice shivered and I felt his hands leaving my body.

"Why?!" I murmured, still holding him tightly. I didn't want to leave him. Something happened to me.

"B...because...Because, I am afraid. I may do something to you, if you hug me like this. Get up," He admitted openly which made me sit up immediately in the mud, my heart racing.

He too sat up and there was a silence for about a minute, still the rain pouring over us.

After a minute, we both said in unison, "Sorry."

"For what?" I asked.

"For telling embarrassing things to you. Seriously, I don't want to hurt you. That's why I said. Anyway you are a woman and I may lose control, if you are hugging me like that, that too in this weather," He admitted.

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