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Diya's POV:

The next morning, when I stirred out of my sleep and opened my eyes slowly, I saw Pari on Arun's lap and they were chatting, playing and laughing.

"Good morning, my dear babies." I smiled and sat up.

"Good morning, my dear babies." They both said in unison, imitating me like parrots. They were in an enthusiastic and playful mood, it seemed.

I laughed and asked softly, "Why did my babies wake up so soon, and playing even before bathing?"

Arun looked at Pari and signalled her to tease me again. They again imitated in chorus, "Why did my babies wake up so soon, and playing even before bathing?"

I clutched my teeth and glared at them. Arun looked at me with a playful smirk and whispered something to Pari's ears.

They again teased me in unison, "Why is my baby showing her funny glare now?"

I controlled my smile and pouted, "Don't tease me. Then I will cry."

Pari intervened, "Appa, Enough. Amma will get upset," and jumped to my lap. I held her in my lap and smirked playfully at Arun. He laughed.

"Amma, I like our home very much." Pari spread her arms.

"I too like our home very much." I kissed her cheeks.

Arun smiled playfully at me, tapping his cheek with his forefinger. I understood that he asked me to kiss him too and I frowned.

He chuckled.

I just smiled, looking at his childish actions and asked Pari, "Chella kutty, Shall we go and brush?"

She nodded her head with a bright smile. We got down from the bed and I said, "Arun, You too go to the bathroom in another room and get ready. We have lot of works."

"Yes. We have a lot of work. But I need energy." Arun sighed dramatically.

"Okay, let's have breakfast and then do our work," I said.

He ignored my statement, looking at Pari and said, "Ammu ma, Your brush is in your bag. Your bag is with grandma. Go and get your brush from grandma."

"Okay, Pa," She said and flew away from the room. Arun jumped out of the bed and ran to the door behind her. I was looking at him with awe and wondered why he is behaving kiddish. He quickly locked the door and flew back to me.

"Arun, What...." I was asking. Before I could finish my sentence, he held me in his arms and pressed his lips against my lips gently. I squeezed my eyes shut and started to feel his love.

After about ten seconds, he broke the kiss, holding me more close to him in such a way that our chests were brushing with each other and said playfully, "This is my energy. Now, I can do all the works."

I nodded my head teasingly and pushed his chest back with a blush, as the proximity and his kiss were doing something to me.

"Don't you need any energy from me?" He giggled without leaving me.

I chuckled, "You didn't take my energy away. Instead we exchanged our energy. So, I don't need any more energy."

He laughed. "Is this the logic from physics or chemistry or biology or your psychology?"

I laughed and said, "This is romance. My new subject."

"Do you like this new subject?" He giggled.

"Yes, But It seems to be a very hard subject." I faked a sad sigh.

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