Chapter 3

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North Black

So this guy (who was really cute by the way) asked me to get ice cream with him and his friends. Which I obviously agreed too.

I walked to the shop since it wasn't that far from the hell I lived in. I pushed open the door hearing a bell and walked around trying to find them.

I found him sitting with some JR. Amanda Bynes. She could probably tell what I was thinking due too that ratchet look on her face.. CONTROL NORTH.

So I decided to be nice for the first time in never and sat down. "Hey?" I said trying to hide the confusion in my voice. Me being a horrible actress.. I didn't do a good job and "Amanda" got angrier. OKAY SORRY I HAD TOO.

"Hey" Jacob smiled, obviously happy to see me cause I mean who wouldn't when your sitting next to that. OKAY I'M DONE.

"So who's your friend?" I ask.

"This is-"

"Becca. His very close friend" She interrupted in a bratty voice. I slightly stuck out my bottom lip and nodded.

We stayed in silence for ten seconds while Aman-I mean Becca stared me down.

I need to get out of here.

To: Jay
Call me in 3 minutes

From: Jay

To: Jay
3 minutes.

"Oh look it's Shawn!" Jacob said snapping me out of my deep thought-hatred for life.

I smiled and he sat down next to me.

"Soo what kind of music do you guys listen too?"

"I like-"

"Meghan Trainer. Taylor Swift. Iggy." Becca interrupted.

"Okay how bout' you" I said.

"Green day" Jacob said.

"Oh yeah I love them-"

"Me too! More" Becca said and I awkwardly smiled.

"How about you Shawn?"

"Everything basically"

We stayed in silence

"Hey why don't we go get some icecream!" Becca said.

"Yeah sure" we shrugged.

We all got up and I followed Jacob because I was so lost.

I went straight to the neon icecream and scooped up the lemon one with some orange.

I walked back to the chair and sat down.

"I haven't had icecream in so long" I said taking a bite.

"wow" Becca rolled her eyes

"Really?" Jacob asked and I nodded.

"So I haven't seen you before?" Jacob spoke.

Short and sweet.

"Umm yeah I just moved here"

"From where" Becca interrupted.

"Uhh" I got interrupted by a horn.

"Oh that's my step dad. See you guys later" Shawn got up so I could leave.

"Oh wait can I have your number?" Jacob asked. "Yeah" I nodded I took his phone and gave mine to him.

"Kay bye guys" I smiled and left.

"What are you doing here!" I whisper-yelled.

"I figured you wanted me to pick you up"

"How did you find me?"

"I put a tracker on your phone"

"You put a tracker on my phone!"

"I couldn't risk it your mother said your a runner"

I sighed and began to walk.

"Wait don't you want a ride?" He asked and I got in slamming the door behind me.

We pulled in to the driveway and I ran upstairs.

"You know you can't do this forever North!"

"Watch me!" I scream and slammed my door.

I grabbed my phone and opened my window. I jumped out without hesitating and ran into the forest.

When I used to live with my mom we had a little camp in the forest. With clothes, backpacks, tents, water all the runaway essentials. When my dad became to dangerous we would hide out here to keep me safe and now I do the same with Jay.

I threw my phone on the ground and stomped on it repeadatly.

I jumped up and down my hair flying with me.

I picked up the remains and threw it at a tree and stepped on it some more.

I took the remains and walked to the far end of the river. So incase the tracker still works atleast he can't trace it back to my not-so-little run away camp.

I threw the remains far into the river and watched it sink to the bottom.

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