chapter 60

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(this super gonna be long and dramatic so enjoy and im going to Shawn live in like 16 hours OMFGEJSIFUDNEVDMMDBEK k enjoy)

North's POV

countdown: the day of homecoming

I woke up and stretched as far as I could, the school had decided it was better for us not to go to school today which I didn't have a problem with, figuring I got up at 4.

"We have to go get your makeup done" Jessica casually walked into my room.

"We don't have to be their until eight" I groaned rolling over.

"Exactly" she laid leggings and a white t-shirt on my bed. "Get dressed we're already late" she said leaving my room.

I slipped on the outfit she picked out and sneakers not bothering to eat breakfast/early dinner.

I got into her car driving to the hair salon. There was one slightly old Latino lady who patted the seat next to her.

I sat down in the hair chair while Jessica made conversations with others. She brushed my hair and stuck little black metal pins in it.

Two and a half hours later she finished, I looked into the mirror my hair was into a little messy bun with strands hanging from the top.

"Do you like it?" She asked and I nodded.

"Yeah I love it" I said with the most energy I could, I honestly could have done this in 5 minutes it was huge waste of money.

"Good now for your makeup" she responded wheeling in a big container of makeup. I sat back in my chair, most of the makeup I could identify but half of it I was clue less.

She put brown stuff on my cheek bones, eyeliner, mascara, blush, some light pink lipstick which I did not approve of, and a few more.

"Crap it's eight" Jessica said.

"I just finished what do you think?" She asked and I looked at my beautifully done smokey eye with sharply winged eyeliner me cheekbones were also more visible.

"I love it" I said honestly.

"Good have fun sweetie!" She waved me off and we walked/ran to the car and drove as fast as humanly possible well not really well anyways we rushed to the house.

She helped me upstairs and I slipped on my dress (picture).

"You look beautiful" she said and held my hands. I know I hated her but she was really sweet in the case of life and death.

I put on some black heels that we also bought and walked down the stairs. Jay stood up clapping for god knows why.

"You look great!" He said helping me down. "I can walk" I mumbled and he let go making me stumble a little.

"Want a picture?" He asked.

"Not really" I said but they pushed me too the wall and made me awkwardly pose by myself.

"We're going to be late" I said trying to get out of the situation as fast as possible.

"Right, right" Jessica responded.

"I'll drive" Jay got up again.

"Oh well okay- Bye sweetie tell me everything okay?" She said and I nodded waving goodbye and walking into Jay's car.

"Your all grown up" he said.

"Technically I've always been grown up" I said opening the passenger seat. We talked for a while back and forth him driving as slow as possible to the school.

"So if you need to be picked up text me okay, don't drink if you can, have fu-"

"Dad-I mean Jay. I'll be fine don't worry okay, bye" I undid my seatbelt and walked out of the car and watched him walk away.

I saw Wyatt standing there, his hands deep in his tuxedo pockets.

I walked up to him kind of strut to make myself look more attractive?

"Even better in real life" he said and I rolled my eyes. He kissed my lips lightly though I kissed back I missed Shawn. God I'm an idiot.

His arm snaked around my waist and we walked into the school.

It was decorated with these blue and red streamers and balloons everywhere since those were our school colours.

I saw Shawn and Katie standing there kissing and I sighed as quietly as I could.

"Want some punch babe?" He asked me and I smiled nodded he walked away from me so I walked into the gym and I saw May and her date, Hunter I believe his name way.

I went up to her and tapped her shoulder when her date walked away. "Hey oh my god it's been a while" I smiled at her and she turned around and looked at me with a loom of disgust and turned right back around. I felt kind of bad but I deserved it completely.

Wyatt came over to me eventually, we sat at a table and talked with some of his friends until they walked away and tried to find girls.

"Wanna dance?" He asked and I turned my head in question obviously he knew the answer was going to be no.

"Come on" he walked around me grabbing my arm and pulling me away from the tables.

I wrapped my arms around his neck while Amnesia started playing (sorry, im 5sos af) we slowed danced like basically every one else.

He leaned in and kissed me.

I pulled apart slowly but he leaned back in not getting the hint.

"What's wrong?" He whispered.

"You don't want to kiss me?" He whispered and I didn't respond.

"You know ever since we started dating, I still feel like we're just completely friends what's wrong with you?" He asked and I stayed quiet.

"North" he asked again.

"Wyatt im sorry" I sighed. "I don't like you-like that anyways. I kissed you to make Shawn jealous and I just didn't want to hurt you im so sorry. Can we still be friends?"

"No you did it so you didn't get hurt" he said ignoring my comment.


"Like you said I was all you had that's why you pretended to like me because I was all you had"

"I did it because I didn't want to loose you" I said before I realizing that's exactly what he said just in nicer words.

"For you not me" he said and I looked at him confused.

"You know what, forget you. You were a waste of my time anyways" He let go of me and walked away. Tears pricked my eyes. I walked to the nurses office and picked up a tin of painkillers shoving them into my dress since I didn't have a purse or sleeves.

His words rung and rung in my ears so I just picked up the bottom of my dress and ran just ran as far as I could. This life was trash anyways.

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