Chapter 43

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A couple days later

Shawn Mendes

Well my mom was right. She broke up with me which means she can come back to me. I need to stop wasting time wallowing over her.

It was really late at night when I made that conclusion and I basically falling asleep listening to Jake talking about how he "almost" kissed Katie Waters.

Katie Waters is like the prettiest girl in school and she's head cheerleader so she's basically the girl in every cheesy high school drama.

My head was leaned against hands and I was using all me energy to keep my eyes open.

"I'm gonna go buy a energy drink" I said walking towards the vending machine.

A girl with long black hair was standing in front of me waiting in the line. The guy infront of her finally moved and she bought a nestea before walking away and then I realized it was North.

A big part of me wanted to chase after her.

"No remember what your mom said Shawn" I whispered to myself.

I ordered my "monster" drink but left before it even came out.

"North, North." I said catching up to her and she turned around.

"Umm" I choked. "I-If you want to come sit with me and Jake you can" I said completely forgetting about Ryan. "No it's okay, I'm sitting with..... people" she walked away.

That stung.

I shrugged and walked back over to the vending machine, picked up my soda and walked to the cafeteria.

I turned to see the table she was sitting at empty and her sitting with Luke.

I really hate to make this sound all dramatic and stuff but Luke, Luke is something else. He's a monster. He's a user. And how does she even know Luke and why is she-you know what, I'm not her dad, she's not my responsibility, if she wants to become the next star of 16 and pregnant she can.

I sat back down and opened up my soda and drank it down. It sort of burned because your supposed to drink it slowly or else it will like over power your brain and you'll go on a rampage but I'm sure that's not true.

Becca soon came and sat down with Jacob.

Jacob put his arm around her and began to kiss her cheek.

"Guys. Gross." I said and they stopped and started laughing.

"Where's North? Why isn't she here?" She asked and I decided not to answer.

"She's sitting alone over there" Jake pointed to an empty table.

"Oh I guess she left" Ryan shrugged.

"She's sitting with Luke!" Jacob's jaw dropped.

"No! This is not happening." Becca got up and ran to Luke's table.

"Why are you guys so obsessed with him?" Ryan asked.

"Luke is the coolest-"

"Not to mention dooshiest" Jake interrupted.

"-Kid ever. First of all he's a held back senior and his friends. Sienna, Andrea, Sam, Matt, Jaden. They through like the hypest parties ever it's super hard to get into them. Plus he dated Katie last year bro" he said.

"That's what set him off. After she broke his heart and his dad started acting up he went on like a rampage to try to create his own identity. Drugs, parties, drinking. It wasn't working so he started using girls to get to the top. One by one eventually he got popular and gained some friends and now he's at the top of the social scale, but why does it matter? He still has no real friends. And all he does is find a weak girl, research her, ask to hang out, say some classy words and get to her soft spot, then boom. He wins her over, uses her, then dumps her. He's pathetic and disgusting" I ranted.

"I still think he's a rich white boy with daddy issues"

"You really had to ruin moment? I just said that" I said to Jake.

"Yeah I summarized your big jealousy rant on North liking him" he said.

"That was not a jealousy ran-"

"Oh my god! Oh. My...."

"Ooo! Let me guess. God." Jake joked and I laughed.

"She's sitting with Luke!" Becca continued sitting back down.

"Yes Becca we already made that conclusion" Ryan said

"No! Really! She is! I went up to her and said hi and all she said was. "hi." like I was a complete stranger! then I was like "can I sit down sister" and then she was like "umm you know. there's no more space, maybe tomorrow. sister?" She pushed me away! That hoe." Becca ranted.

"I still don't understand why this is such a big deal" Ryan said and I nodded in agreement.

"I mean..." she scarfed down 5 french fries. "I don't know why she's more popular than me! I practically invented her you know?" She exclaimed.

"she's definitely not being used by him. She's too far down the social scale and definitely isn't pretty enough so there's no way. And if anything I should be sitting there with Luke Coopers arm around me. I deserve it more" she said and continued eating.

"I hate to play Dr. Phill here but maybe your just jealous?" Jacob suggested.

"Jealous! There's nothing to be jealous about!"

"God you idiots! she's mad that North has a higher popularity ranking than her." Jacob said and I just sat there listening to them argue back and forth.


The Next Day.

North Black

I woke up and stretched slamming off my alarm clock.

(I don't miss this)

I walked to the bathroom and washed my face to wake up. I applied some light makeup, and straightened my hair a little.

I walked back into my room and picked up a grey Rolling Stones t-shirt, black skinny jeans, and a flannel. I tied on my low top converse and walked downstairs.

I grabbed a nature valley bar and Jay drove me to hell.

Atleast it was Friday anyways.

(skipping boring school stuff)

"Heyyyy" Becca said walking up to me.


"So wanna watch a movie at my place tonight. We could have a sleepover"

"No it's cool I have other plans" I walked away.

"Like what." She slid infront of me.

"Stuff. Don't worry about it" I went around her and began to walk to my locker.

I grabbed my back pack and Luke leaned against the locker next to mine.

"Hey. What are you doing tonight?" He asked.

"Gonna get my hair done"

"When will you be done?" He asked.


"Well me and my friends are having a little get together.." he put his hand on my love handle "you should swing by"

"Maybe". "don't expect to see me there" I flirted and walked away.

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