Chapter 42

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North Black

I woke up that day and walked the door and to the bathroom. I washed my face and stared into the mirror, wiping the water away.

I brushed my hair slightly and tied it up in a high ponytail.

I walked into my room and changed into jeans, vans, and a white t-shirt with a red hoodie with white lining over it all.

I walked downstairs and grabbed a granola bar while Jay drove me his school.

I walked in and most conversations fell silent and they turned to look at me.

I sucked it up and stared at my feet. I looked up, once to get a hair out of my eye and I saw Shawn staring right in my eye. I looked down almost immediately and opened my locker and shoved my back pack in.

I saw a flash card fall of the top and I picked it up.

Meet me on the roof at lunch.
~a friend.

(No I'm not a murder just trust me, please?)

I stared at the card I didn't recognize the handwriting and it didn't look like Shawn's but the bell rang before I could decide anything. I grabbed my books and walked to class.

(skipping boring school stuff)

I walked into the cafeteria and picked up a plate.

I let the lunch ladies fill up my blue tray and I sat down at my usual table.

I looked down at the card in my hands.

If it was Shawn I could be missing out on the opportunity of waking up and not wanting to punch yourself in the face.

To: May: sorry I can't sit with you today I made plans.. meet you tomorrow tho?

I sent the text and slid my phone in my pocket and walked out to the roof.

I climbed the stairs to the top and some brunette turned around.

"Hey.. thought you wouldn't come?" He said before I realized that this was a complete stranger.

"Yea.." I said sitting down next to him. I put my tray on my thigh and took a bite out of my sandwich.

"You know?" He asked and I looked up at him. "I saved you a pizza slice"

I smiled and laughed a little. "You just invited me to sit up on the top of our school with a used flash card anonymously at 8 in the morning. Do you really think I'm gonna take some food from you?" I asked him and he laughed.

"Why not?"

"You could have slipped something in that pizza. Like some drug that makes you seem attractive I don't know" I shrugged and he smiled.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Wow. Someone went to manners school" he said.. "I'm Luke but thanks. And you are?" He said.

"I'm guessing you already know my name" I said.

"No but I do know what your going through" he said. "What does that even mean?" I asked.

"Why do you think everyone stared at you like you were Zayn Malik this morning?" He asked and I shrugged.

"They know about you Shawn and what he did to like Jacob and stuff" I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah but it's none of their business"I said.

"And that my dear is the thing about high school everyone cares most about other people's problems than their own and it makes you want to slap everyone who comes near you.. I just feel bad for you" he sighed.

"Really?" I asked.

"Okay I went to that stupid camp with you" he whispered. "Yeah. know I was waiting for that" I said.

"Wait you remember me?" He asked

"Yes you were that kid who wouldn't stop staring at me" I said

"Well I'm sorry! You looked familiar how else was I supposed to figure you out!" He exclaimed and I laughed. The laughs faded into a awkward silence.. well not really awkward but more like those dramatic pauses in Nicolaus Sparks movies.

"So.. how are you?" He asked.


"How are you?" He asked again.




"Can I ask you something?" I asked.

"Yeah" he nodded.

"What do you do when your entire life is falling apart infront of you and you run out of glue?" I asked.

"You buy some more glue."

"What if this glue was super hard to find, and there isn't another one close to you"

"How special was this glue?"

"Special." I tried not to cry.

"It was the memories you made and the feelings you attached to this per-I mean glue..that made it special. Just find another glue, you will attach similar feelings and that one will become just as special"



"Similar doesn't mean identical"

"Your feelings are never going to be identical if shared with a person their not supposed to be.."

"And what if they were?"

"Then they were never special"

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