20. An Attempt Of Harming

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After like an hour Maya's pain finally subsidised. Dyuti wiped her tears and helped her change dress which got wet because of her sweat. The Vaidya left and said to return at evening but Birbhrat stayed behind. Medha also left the room leaving only Maya and him with Dyuti.

"Go, bring something to eat for your mistress" Birbhrat ordered waving his hand. He wanted to talk to Maya alone. Dyuti also realised that Maya hadn't eaten anything and it was passed lunch time. She quickly nodded her and left.

"How this happened? You were also invited to join today's banquet?" Birbhrat asked as soon as Dyuti left the room.

"It was Samragyi who send the invitation. Sambhara was also joined in this. Samragyi said that since we are still in unofficial position we need to republish ourselves so that Samrat would take a look at us and think about the position. This was also a best chance to provide impression on others. But it got ruined" Maya sobbed. She had worked hard for it, how could she endure it? Sambhara must have presented herself well in the banquet and took all the limelight while she was suffering from the pain and her all hard work was ruined. When Maya think of this she started to feel angrier than ever.

Birbhrat thought of what she was saying. The Samragyi really presented a good opportunity for the kunwaries. They are still living in the some corner and don't have their own mahal to be recognised as an official figure in the palace. But Maya couldn't take the opportunity because of the accident yet Sambhara took everything. Among the kunwaries only she was present in the banquet.

"How did this accident happened?" Birbhrat felt there's still something missing in the matter.

"I was instructed to arrange the food section for the banquet. Though it's not within my best abilities I still managed to do it. But this Sambhara would come and always interrupt in my work. Before the banquet started it was also her who came to find me in the Pakshala. Everything was done by that time. At that moment she suddenly shouted and when I turned around the hot milk glass fell and burnt my hand. She was just standing behind me and she was also the one who located the milk first. Father it was her, she intentionally did that. Before her nothing had happened. But she intentionally put that milk glass and caused this accident. She was also mocking me all the time and didn't want me to join the banquet. She wanted to grab the opportunity for herself" Maya replied with disdain. Her heart was dissatisfied and she couldn't help but hate Sambhara more.

Birbhrat frowned. This situation was more complicated. He thought he could solve this once he gets the exact points he wanted but hearing the situation he was more confused. He sighed at the end.

"Don't get angry, it's not good for your health. What you need right now is rest. Let your hand heal first then visit home. We will have a good chat there. Talking here is not reliable"

Maya instantly understood and nodded. Seeing his daughter being obedient Birbhrat nodded his head. At this time Dyuti also returned with food.

"Now eat something to regain your energy. Even if you are dissatisfied don't show it on your face. You need to control your emotions and only then you can win over. Understand?" He said again in which Maya nodded.

"Good, now I will leave. Take care good care of your mistress. If something happens like this again, I won't spare your life" Birbhrat said glaring at Dyuti.

"Yes" Dyuti trembled as she replied.

Birbhrat got up and left the room. When he was out of the West Wing he saw the Samragyi coming towards him. They bumped eachother on the way.

"Samragyi" Birbhrat said.

"Oh, Prime Minister hasn't left yet?" Nandini asked with a light smile.

"I couldn't since Kunwari is still unwell"

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