42. Being Angry

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"How he is now?" Devayu asked frowning. He looked at vaidya checking Manik's pulse. The Vaidya sighed before giving a nod.

"It seems that the fever has gone" he said.

"Yes, last night his body started to sweat" Nandini replied nodding her head. It was mid night when she saw sweats on his forehead. She couldn't sleep after that and took care of him.

"It's a good sign" Vaidya said again. He turned towards Devayu. "Rajadhiraj, Samrat's condition is stable now. With the sweat of the fever all the remaining toxins has been released from his body. He may wake up at any moment. After that we can finally feed him medicine which will help him recover his body soon"

"The prayers finally worked" Sulohita closed her eyes paying silently.

"I knew he will definitely be fine" Vrinda wiped tears from her eyes. These time were hard for everyone. Now that hearing Vaidya's word everyone can finally heave a sigh of relief.

"Please make some space for Samrat. It's not good to crowd the room" Vaidya said. Everyone nodded and left except Nandini and vaidya who sat on the chair silently. After waiting for few more moments, Manik finally stirred and let out a groan. Because of sleeping for hours, his body was now stiff.

"Samrat" vaidya called out in surprise and checked his pulse again. Manik moved and opened his eyes looking around. His eyes roamed before finally setting on Nandini.

"Samrat how are you feeling?" Nandini asked. Her face was clouded with worry.

Manik blinked before he tried to get up but hissed when the wound in his chest stung because of his hurried action.

"Samrat please be careful. Your wound still needs good healing before you move freely. It still needs few more days" the vaidya said hurriedly. He pulled out a bottle and poured the liquid in the small cup before handling it to him. "please drink this medicine, it will help you feel less pain in the wound"

Manik took it without words and drank the medicine. The Vaidya nodded with a smile, "since Samrat has woke up, your body is stabilized now. I will go and make medicine doses" then he left taking his medical box.

Once the curtain of the tent pulled down Manik grabbed Nandini's hand, "what happened?"

"You were unconscious for almost two days" she replied. "You have gotten fever last night and finally woke up today" she replied as she sat on the bed. "Are you feeling pain anywhere?"

Manik looked at her expression thoroughly before tilting his head, "it seems like the Samragyi is concerned about me? Is it true?"

Nandini pursed her lips snorting lightly. "Who is concerned for whom? Samrat what were you thinking when you went to fight with that wild tiger alone? Were you trying to kill yourself?"

"Why? You were that worried?" He smirked.

What happened to this man? Nandini thought in her mind. Doesn't he knows that he has a vast empire to look after where all the evil eyes were coveting the throne?

"Please don't assume things too highly Samrat" she replied forcing a tight smile on her face, "afterall I don't want to live as a widow all my life"

Manik raised his eyebrows, "a window?"

"Yes, if you died then I would have found another man to marry" Nandini replied making him frown.

"Oh were you planning to remarry dear wife?" He asked.

"As I said Samrat I won't live my life as a widow—"

"Try doing that and you will see what happens next"

The Barbaric Proposition {Royal Engagement Series 1}Where stories live. Discover now