53. When An Assassin Meet As Assassin

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Two days later when the sun set and the sky was shining under the glory of the moon, the three figures rushed towards the forest behind the village. The figures clothed in dark red dress quickly passing through the bushes and trees on the way. After going for sometime they stopped on one spot.

"Is this the way?" Nandini asked looking around. She moved her body scanning through the whole area. It was dark at this time and only the dim ray of the moon could lit the forest. Because of the heavy branches of the huge trees above their head the ray of the moon couldn't lit the whole area. From afar the hooting of the owl could be heard along with flapping sound of wings.

"Yes, yesterday I have searched the whole area. Some places of this forest is kind of puzzling so I used thread trick to pick the right way. It took me whole night to finish it" Isha replied, feeling proud of her own work.

"Where is it?" Nandini asked.

"There" Isha pointed towards the side where there was a huge maple tree situated. There was a red thread circled around the body of the tree. The three figure moved towards it.

"This maple tree is the largest tree in the forest. I thought it would help a lot so I made it the head target before going through" Isha said while Nandini touched the three with her slim fingers. She moved her eyes with the line of the thread that pointed towards another tree a little far away.

"Good, it would help a lot. Let's move. We shouldn't stay here for long" Nandini said and they quickly followed the thread line.

Not long after they left another group wearing white cloth appeared in sight. The muscled man walked towards the tree and looked at the red thread line.

"Sahab, shall we spread around?" A man behind him asked.

"No need, follow the thread line. They must have left this way" the man called Sahab replied in his coarse voice.

After the voice fell the group moved with the thread line and disappeared from the sight.

After moving for a bit more Isha showed another turn and followed the thread line before they stopped before the bushes. They could see that few flowers were blooming in the dark night. The white glory of the flowers melted in the darkness yet it looked like another moon came down on earth.

"Is these the moon flower?" Nandini stopped before the flowers asking. Her eyebrows creased as she examined the shape of the white flower.

"Prizzi in the whole forest these are the only flowers blooming at this time" Isha replied. "I have checked everything before and couldn't find a single piece the other night. Now today I could see this flowers blooming at this time"

"Then it must be the one we are looking for" Nandini said and touched the flower before turning back, "Purna pick some so that we can return back soon"

Purna nodded and plucked some flowers quickly. Her movement was fast and in a split of second she was done. Tucking the flowers inside her beg she nodded towards Nandini.

"Let's go" Nandini said to them and was about to leave when suddenly few more people appeared caging them.

Nandini frowned at them. She gestured towards Purna and Isha before looking at the uninvited guests.

"Going somewhere?" The tall man standing infront of the group asked, "alas! It's not the time yet"

Nandini looked around the figures and crosses her arms over her chest, "oh, so you are here to entertain us?" She let out a chuckle, "I didn't know that there are such arrangements like this. If I knew this before, then I would have brought some food and drinks to set the mood"

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