71. The Last Portrait

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Next morning Nandini woke up early. She took a long bath to relax her tensed muscles. She enjoyed the sweet smell of the liquid Medha added in the water for her to relax. Medha was rubbing her bare back while asking random question.

"Prizzi, it has been such a long time. Don't you miss home? Earlier you used to be free but after you got married you are stuck in the boundary of four walls"

Nandini's eyes were closed as she heard her sevika said. Her head nodded slightly, "I never thought that I would fell in such situation. Taking the charge to conquer the king was my mistake and now I am paying for it"

"Prizzi, do you want to get out of it. We can perfectly arrange everything to leave"

Nandini's eyes opened, "he won't let me go" she replied.

"Won't let you go? Prizzi are you afraid of Samrat?" Medha asked.

"He..." Nandini paused for a while. She don't know how to answer her. She has already stepped into this path but can she turn around and leave like it never happened? When she think of this matter, she couldn't conclude any solution to it. Besides as far she was aware of his personality, she knows she couldn't take him for granted. She don't understand what kind of training he went through to make himself perfect in the fighting field but if they were actually fighting for real then she knew she couldn't win against him or they would end up killing eachother at the end.

"Has the antidote, have you forgotten?" Nandini thought of something before replying. Though their relationship started with no emotional attachment but now they have come this far and started to know each other well. Even though she is not aware of  his all traits but she knew few which other may not know. Besides he is cunning and smart and have great resources. If she leaves she couldn't guarantee that he wouldn't be able to find her.

Medha suddenly remembered about it. She looked worried, "then are you planning to live here forever?"

Nandini, "I don't know, I will see when the times comes, but for now let's not talk about it" she couldn't deny the fact that she was attracted towards him. The way he dominates her and use pressure was a manly thing. He has all the traits that she wants in a man. But how long this attraction would last? This is the answer she don't have right now.

"It's done Prizzi, I will get you dry cloths to change" Medha got up and left while Nandini stayed in the water thinking about her husband. When Medha returned back she got up and dried her body before changing into new cloths. While she was brushing her hair in the chamber Purna walked in with a cup of tea for her.

"Prizzi I have already made the breakfast, shall I serve?" Purna placed the tea cup on the table.

"No, wait for few more moments. I am expecting guests to welcome" Nandini did her hair and looked in the mirror. Satisfied by her own style she picked up the tea cup and took a sip.

"Guests?" Purna frowned.

"Hmm.... The Rajkunwar has returned back. I am guessing he might visit me today"

"Oh" Purna nodded. At this moment Isha walked in informing about the guests waiting on the innerhall.

"Prizzi, Samrat is here"

Nandini turned around and looked at Purna who gave a nod to her before she walked out of the room. When she stepped inside the innerhall she saw two men were sitting next to eachother. Both has the similar facial feature except the skin tone.

"Samrat" she called out to get their attention and walked slowly towards them. Isha was behind her. Both men who were engaged in slight conversation looked up hearing the voice. Chandrakant noticed the woman walking in with grace. She has average height with fair skin and long hair. Her expression was normal yet her eyes were empty. There's no emotion and no one could predict what she was thinking about at this moment. He couldn't help but purse his lips. As of beauty she is beautiful enough but couldn't reach the rank of national beauty level.

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