34. ShtriMahal Is About To ...

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"About Babashree?"

Maharaj Ujjay nodded, "yes, I have accompanied your Babashree for years in several task and has build a good friendship at that time. If not because of him, Varhamgarh could never establish its glory" he shook his head as he remembered those days. "your father was such a good man, he was the exceptional ruler and more importantly he was the best defination of human being" his thoughtful eyes fall on Manik, "but today I want to tell you something"

"I am all ears Maharaj" Manik nodded with a serious look. From the expression of Ujjay he could understand that whatever he was about to say it won't be pleasing to his ears.

"Samrat—" Ujjay paused. He don't know how to say this. But he also couldn't hide the matter. It's about the life of his own daughter.

Seeing his hesitation Manik said again, "Maharaj please tell me whatever you want to say without any worry"

Ujjay finally made up his mind, "years ago when Chandra was born your father was with me. He even blessed her. That night he wanted to leave for Gangghor but Chandra started to cry without stopping. No one could calm her down and our royal priest has predicted that it's inauspicious so Samrat has to put off his journey. Later we got to know that there was an assassination arranged to kill Samrat. That news came like a shock and of course it was lucky that he stayed behind and escaped the deadly situation. After that incident your father was really fond of Chandra. Because of her cries he stayed behind, and he was also the one who has given the Chandra name. Before leaving he took Chandra in his arm and told me that he will marry her to you when the right time comes and the Samragyi of Gangghor will be Chandra"

Manik looked at him seriously. His father never mentioned him about this. Neither when he was alive nor on his deathbed. Then why suddenly Maharaj Ujjay pointed out this matter?

"Babashree never said a word about it Maharaj. I never knew there's such a thing" his reply was slow  and filled with uncertainty.

Ujjay nodded his head, "yes I understand. You marrying a Samragyi has proved it. Maybe Samrat didn't get the suitable moment to tell you about it. Besides it has been years and you were also young at that time. But who would knew that Samrat would leave so suddenly which also changed the face of Gangghor"

"Maharaj what do you expect from me?" Manik asked.

Ujjay pursed his lips. He wanted him to marry his daughter and give her the title that she deserved. But Manik was already filled the Samragyi position. How can he ask for it? Just because of his daughter? But what about the Samragyi? She don't have any fault and wasn't aware about the matter too? As a ruler he knows well how valuable the title is. Ujjay couldn't help but frowned in distress. He couldn't force him to accept his daughter. Besides he heard that there were other women in the palace.

"I couldn't ask for anything nor I have the right to blame you" Ujjay sighed again, "but I fear that Chandra will be hurt by this. She has been afterall grew up with the thought that someday she will become your wife and Samragyi of Gangghor. Now that there is Samragyi already it must have affected her deeply. It's not also her fault. Actually we told her about it and she started to dream for her future. I never doubted in Samrat Vikramjit's words. So Chandra grew up dreaming of you marrying her one day"

"Maharaj I do respect you because when Banashree was alive he used to tell many things about you. But to be honest, he never for once mentioned a word about this matter. If I knew that there is such promise given by him then I wouldn't have married my Samragyi. But that situation is different from the current one. The whole Gangghor has accepted her as the Samragyi, it's not possible to replace someone in her place" Manik told him.

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