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"So were you going to tell me you had seen him before." Liam asked in a deep irritant tone as he pulled up his pajama pants. He had just showered the day at the park away. The whole household was fast asleep and both were quietly getting ready for bed. Each was silently moving around the other careful not to even brush against the other

Zayn was around the corner arms propped on the sink counter about to step in for his shower. He huffed and peaked his head around but came face to face with Liam. He slightly looked into his eyes then turned away. "I didn't want something like this to start." He shrugged pulling off his shirt.

"Zayn I'm not going to talk over the water while you're in the shower." He crossed his arms as he shut the door to the restroom. "It's already started so might as well get into it now."

"Yes I ran into him. It was the week we moved here. I had gone to Starbucks and he was there. Then I saw him at Ezra's camp when we dropped him off at the dorms. The next time was with Ezra at Starbucks again." Zayn said only partially telling the truth. He decided to leave the part where he had gone to the man's house for coffee out.

"That's it?" He questioned.

"Yes." Zayn rolled his eyes. Though he knew he left a part out, he was still annoyed at Liam's tone. "Do you not believe me?"

"Well I don't know, you hadn't mentioned meeting or coming across him any of the three times you did so forgive me if I'm iffy on the trust aspect." He hissed.

Zayn scoffed and proceeded to feel the temperature of the water as Liam came around and shut it off. "What the hell." He narrowed his eyes looking slightly up to him.

"No. We're not doing that. This whole not talking to each other thing. We need to sort this out. If not for us, for both of our kids sake." As the words rolled out of his mouth, it's like it all hit Zayn at once. Instantly he felt the guilt well up inside. "Have you been seeing him?"

It almost offended Zayn because he knew what Liam was hinting at. Though it was only a half truth, it still didn't sit right being accused especially since Liam was practically his first everything. "So you think I slept with him?" His eyes narrowed and voice bitter.

"I didn't say that." Liam's jaw clenched. By the second he was getting more irritant but he did his best to keep his voice low cautious not to let anyone else hear.

"But you insinuated it so you do think I slept with him just say that." He bounced his shoulders. What more was there to even think? Sure he knew he didn't and would never, but being accused just felt demeaning.

"So have you?"

"No! I told you I came across him a couple times that's it." Zayn laced his arms across his bare chest. Liam looked as if he wanted to say more but just couldn't get the words out. There was a brief quietness between them before Liam turned around and walked through the doorway.

"Alright." He said as he took a seat on his side of the bed. Zayn had followed behind taking his place in the doorway to stare at Liam in confusion. What just happened? He thought.

"Alright? That's it?" He narrowed his eyes.

"Yes. That's all I needed to hear." His husband nodded firm as he placed his phone on the charging dock.

"So you just accuse me of cheating and shrug it off? You were the one that wanted to talk this out." He crossed his arms again. He was baffled. In all honesty he expected a heated argument. Maybe not full blown yelling at each other, but something along that line.

"I'm sorry okay. I believe you. I just got worked up seeing him again." He itched at his brow and when he did that Zayn knew he felt guilty. It was one of his nervous ticks.

Keeping up with ZIAM (The Contract Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now