First week

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That day Liam took off to work after a breakfast with Zayn, Ezra, and to his dismay, Loki. Zayn let him sit on his lap. It was a nice. Liam did have to explain to Ezra why his trips elsewhere outside of the home would have to be limited, which it wasn't confusing for him. From the little bits he's seen, their life was definitely different than the one he came from.

Liam told Zayn that for the rest of the week, he'd try to get to the agency earlier to finish the tasks he needed to
At least by lunch. After that he'd come home for the rest of the day. Then if Zayn needed, he'd have the other half of the day to run around. Zayn didn't mind being with Ezra, it's not that he didn't want to, but he did have things to do and bringing a kid along with him that the public hasn't seen before, was very risky for the time being.

They finished their breakfast and Liam took his leave. Ezra helped Zayn clean up in the kitchen even though the older man said it was okay that he didn't have to. He shrugged and just continued helping which made Zayn almost cry. He's emotional okay...

After the dishes were dry and put up, Zayn told Ezra he'd be sorting clothes on the fourth floor, and to call him if he needed anything. Ezra politely nodded as Loki cuddled up next to him on the couch. He started watching some gamers on YouTube and was very intrigued.

Upstairs on floor that use to be empty before he moved in, Zayn was sorting some of the looks he designed for his line. There was street wear and everyday looks, along with the more couture designs. The last time he went up was probably before the baby appointment and LA. What was truly only a week and a half that had gone by, felt like months to him.

The first week of June is when they would be moving out to LA so they still had about two weeks. The check up for their surrogate was on the first which was a Monday. Tuesday they'd say goodbye and jet off to their new home in Hidden Hills.

After the month there, they'd zoom in on a call with Charmaine and the doctor to do the check up. Later that week the surrogate would be moving in with them for the next few months in order for the baby to be born there with them. Don't worry, it's safe for her to travel. Of course Liam and Zayn were going to take extra precautions and have a medic on their jet, just in case.

A few hours later he loaded all the things in garment bags and put them aside so that the moving company could ship all of this to their home. He looked over the space again which was now almost empty. It was much like when he moved in years ago.

The amount of boxes labeled "LA"
continued to pile up slowly but surely. Majority of the furniture would be donated since they were starting over from scratch. Their interior designer had everything covered so the there was no sense in bringing the old furniture across the pond.

After organizing some other things Zayn went down the steps to the third floor when he noticed a light on in Liam's office. He cocked his head to the side because he knew neither him or Liam had gone in there yet. He turned into the door frame and saw Ezra's standing with his back to him. He was staring at the photos and awards Zayn had seen when he first step foot into this house. Over the years photos from their engagement, rehearsal dinner, wedding, and holiday cards had been added to the mix as well.

Ezra was looking at one picture in particular. It was when Liam was a toddler. He's seen baby pictures of himself and it was like looking at them but only this time it was Liam. He then saw a picture of Liam when he had curly hair as a teen. He knew he was starting to look like that, but of course, his eyes were his mothers. He brushed a hand over the picture as Zayn cleared his throat. He flinched and turned around quickly.

"Crazy right?" Zayn stated in walking into the room.

"S-sorry I was just looking for you and uh- came across these." He said starting to close up as Zayn took another step forward leaning on Liam's desk.

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