Time differences and mixed emotions

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Niall spent a few more hours with the boy and Andy, then headed back to London around 4 PM. He had to pick up Freddie from school so he was lucky he had footie practice till 6:30 otherwise he would've missed him getting out of actual school at 4:30

He was still shaken up about the news he just learned and spent trying to understand all morning. He decided to leave the couple be. They were in LA and it was morning there. He'd tell them when they got back Friday, because he had to figure out exactly how to drop this bombshell.

Overseas it was 9 AM by the time Niall got on the train. Louis and Liam had already woken up and grabbed a bite to eat before meeting Romain again. Today Liam and Louis had a few more spaces to look at before he chose the final one.

Zayn had just woken up after they left and was starting to get ready to go have brunch with Chelsea, Emma, and Chrishell. The only one who knew out of them was Chelsea. Louis couldn't not tell her who he was looking at properties for.

Harry wouldn't be there because he had some interviews that morning but he would join Zayn, Liam, and Louis later for dinner. The day before at dinner was tense one. "Larry" as Zayn calls them, were not speaking much. The couple figured it would be like that though.

When he got to the cute and very Insta worthy brunch spot, the girls were already there waiting for him at the table. "Hi babes!" Chelsea said in a high pitched tone. Her Americanized British accent heavy as she hugged Zayn tightly. He knew that she knew about the move so she gave him a sly grin.

"Hi chels!" He said giving her an extra squeeze.

"Awww hi Zayn! You look as fabulous as ever. I'm so glad you're visiting!" Chrishell said as he embraced her next.

Finally he moved to the tall blond almost Barbie like girl. "By the way congratulations on the baby! I know I already commented on the announcement but I wanted to tell you in person!" Emma said.

"I seriously need to hang with you all more often. Even my own husband doesn't hype me up this much and he's pretty much a sucker for me." Zayn bit the tip of his tongue as he grinned making a sheepish face. He also winked to Chelsea since he'd be in LA permanently soon. "Also thank you! I actually have more news." He said taking his seat.

"Oh spill!" Emma gasped as Chelsea and Chrishell nodded eagerly.

The waiter came by and they ordered their starters. When Zayn was through and the waiter walked off he turned to the girls and pursed his lips making a pause. "So... I actually have two things to say. The first is that Liam and I just got the results of the gender." He cheekily smiled.

All three girls gasped sharply as they looked at him bewildered. Chrishell who was setting across from Zayn right next to Emma grabbed onto her arm in a state of surprise. The tall blond had her hands covering her mouth while Chelsea's head was cocked 90 degrees to stare at Zayn.

"It's a girl." He said flushing a bright red. Anytime he spoke about the baby he just couldn't hide how excited he was.

"Awwww! She's going to be the cutest little mini Ziam ever!" Emma spoke as she clapped her hands

"Congratulations! Girls are the best anyways..." Chrishell drawled out with her sweet, soft, and slightly southern accent. Everyone giggled as her joke finally got to them. "No but really that is just so adorable!"

"Sorry for my silence I'm just still in awe. I can't wait for you to experience meeting her. You're going to be an amazing dad Zayn!" Chelsea said dabbing the corner of her eye. She gets super emotional in those types of settings. Her boss babe persona completely goes out the window.

"Thank you girls. That all means so much you have no idea." Zayn said with a happy frown as he placed his hand over his heart.

Chrishell got up and hugged Zayn as Emma followed suit. Chelsea leaned over and gave him another squeeze. "Oh yeah sorry, I hate to be that person but please don't say anything. Liam wants to post the announcement on his Insta since I posted the actual baby announcement." Zayn said slightly embarrassed.

They continued chatting as the waiter came back to finally place their orders. Zayn also let it out that Chelsea knew and they were looking for houses the next day earning more shrieks and giggles from the girls as they continued brunch.

A few miles away Liam and Louis had finished up their search at office spaces and Liam finally decided on a location. It was about 5 minutes up the road on Sunset Blvd, from the Oppenheim Group office. He met with Jason and Brett at the office to officially sign his lease on the space. He even got to ring the infamous bell you see on the Netflix series.

As they congratulated him, Louis and the twins began talking about real estate and comparing career fields. They talked logistics like the housing market in both cities, price per square feet, and even the difference in currency.

All while they conversed, Liam shot Zayn a text saying he signed for the space with a cute message. He felt like there was no going back now. I mean he could, but this just made him more hungry to get this project up and running to be ready by the anniversary of the agencies founding.

When Zayn got the text he was just finishing up a round of mimosas with the girls and he excitedly showed them the message along with a picture of Liam ringing the bell. They all gasped at it and were so happy since Zayn would be ringing a the same bell Thursday before they went back to London.

Back in the UK Niall had just picked up Freddie then made his way back to his place. He was kinda off if you asked Freddie. He was quieter than usual but the boy just figured he had a long day dealing with so many celebrities. It was pretty cool to know his "uncles," or his dads really close friends, we're apart of that life so he shrugged it off.

Meanwhile, Niall had still been deep in thought. The same questions loomed in his head and all of the outcomes of this news seemed inevitable yes, but also not good. The best case scenario was that Zayn Magically ended up being okay with it all, Liam not flipping out at him, Andy, or his own father for knowing, and the couple accepting this kid in their new life with open arms. He knew that was a reach so he was genuinely scared.

When he got back to his, Freddie immediately ran to the console and turned on the game, blocking out the world with Niall's headset. The adult was left to make dinner alone with his own thoughts and boy were they eating him alive.

Hours later, and practically the next day, Niall dropped Freddie off at school then instead of going to the office, he found himself at the train station climbing aboard the one headed to Wolverhampton.

He texted Andy he'd be visiting the whole week and the man was surprised but happy. Though he had a rough exterior, the attorney cared for the boy and his situation. It meant a lot that someone else beside himself was there for him and wanted to be there. Liam though, he still had his reservations about the way he'd handle all the news.

While Niall was boarding the train to Wolverhampton early that Wednesday morning, The group of boys in LA were currently celebrating Liam's new expansion in the company late Tuesday night. Jason and Brett, invited the couple, Louis, and Harry to one of the many properties they owned, along with most of the office.

Harry was with Zayn talking to the girls outside. Louis and Liam followed Jason, Brett, and Romain to the the garage where Jason showed off his expensive luxury car. Bret the whole night had been talking with Louis about moving down there to be on the show. It started off as a joke, but louis may have started to think about it a little that night.

While Niall was losing his mind back home, Zayn and Liam were living out a slice of what LA would be like. They'd only been there a few days and the change in scenery and vibe was starting to grow on them. Especially with the fact that they were looking at homes the next day, it felt good, great even.

It was like Niall wasn't even living in the same world as the couple. There was only about 8 hours, numerous time zones, the Atlantic Ocean, and thousands of miles between them, but how could he hold the truth that might just ruin things for his friends. To simply put it Niall was on edge and he was tearing himself up over it.

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