The truth

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After what felt like the longest Sunday in the history of Sundays, Monday morning came bearing news. Whether it was great, bad, or just neutral was still to be determined. Plus it depended on who you asked.

Sunday evening Louis and Niall ordered food to take to the Malik-Payne Household and have dinner. They were accompanied by Freddie who, like most ten year olds, asked to play Liam's console. The way they acted around Freddie was all Niall hoped for, for Ezra, but then seeing them hardly interact with one another made him question it. It was kind of sad to see.

Zayn hardly spoke, just poked at his plate of takeout. You could tell he was deep in his own thoughts. Liam was in his thoughts, but he did a real good job at hiding it. Liam spoke normally, but you could tell he was being cautious of what he said.

It was awkward, but they powered through it. The boys and Freddie went home and left the two to their tension. It pained Niall, but Louis just shrugged and told him there was nothing they could do. They had to work it out on their own. Even though he knew that's what they had to do, it still didn't mean he liked it. He saw first hand how Vegas went so this felt more extensive than that.

While laying directly next to one another that night, arms, and legs locked together, it was complete silence. Zayn was the first to knock out. Liam stared down at him slowly drifting to sleep soon after. In their state of rest, both gripped the other as if they never wanted to let go.

Shouldnt it be like that while they were awake as well?

Monday came and Liam had to go to the agency. He woke up at his usual time, did his morning routine, even taking a bit longer at the gym than usual. When he was all dressed and ready to go he kissed Zayns cheek goodbye and let him know he was leaving. He softly fluttered his eyes open which was odd because he only ever responded still half asleep. It looked like he woke up instantly at the feeling.

"I'm sorry did I wake you?" Liam asked Zayn

"No." He whispered with and exhale.

Liam nodded then checked the time. His longer work out set him back a couple minutes so he was running late in his time. "I'm headed to the agency. I should be done by lunch though." He said then kissed Zayns forehead.

Zayn melted at his touch and for a second everything felt okay on both sides. It was such a small little act but given the past day or so, it had felt like they hadn't shared a sweet moment like that.

Zayn lifted himself out of the covers and placed a kiss to Liam's cheeks as well. They both pulled back and looked into one another's eyes. You could tell both longed for one another but in typical them fashion it was like they set themselves back to the time before the contract. Both guarded and reserved about the way they truly feel about where their future was headed. Before all this it was clear. Now with the added possibility of Ezra being Liam's, nothing was as clear as either of them pictured.

"I gotta go. I love you Zayn." Liam said in a serious tone as if it was the last time he'd ever say it.

The raven haired lad picked up on it and inwardly frowned. "I love you too Liam." Zayn said with a slight corner of the mouth twitch up. It was a contrast from the previous two days they had, but each boy rolled with it.

Liam pecked Zayns lips wanting to linger but pulled back and headed out the door of their bedroom. Loki always cried at his other owners absence and Zayn patted the bed to tell him to come up. He was still a puppy but he was big enough to hop up since their bed was fairly low to the ground. He cuddled up next to Zayn and heavily sighed acting like he payed bills around there which made Zayn laugh.

The past couple of months have been steady for Zayn. While Liam always told him to just be a stay at home husband, he knew he couldn't. It was an inside joke between the two, but his career was based off his public image and what next big thing he did.

Keeping up with ZIAM (The Contract Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now