Chez Ziam

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They touched down in the morning hours of LA time. Rather than landing in LAX they chose a private hanger just off the valley not far from their home. Their new family Cadillac awaited them as well as another SUV for their all their luggage's. The only two who were fully awake were Ezra and Liam. The others were still kind of tired from the flight.

They all loaded into the vehicle which to everyone's surprise, Liam took the wheel. They were a bit unnerved because they didn't know how familiar Liam was with way of the roads in America. Last month when they were there, they had drivers take them where they needed.

He reassured everyone they would be fine as they all climbed in. Zayn sat passenger as Niall and Louis took the middle seats. In the very back was Ezra and Freddie watching tik tok videos with Loki sat between them. Since they landed on the outskirts of the valley, they still had another 30 minute drive to their home.

Zayn was on the phone with their interior designer who had been working on the home the past month. He called to confirm they were in town and would be there soon. She was delighted to hear and had been looking forward to it all month long. She also had a surprise for the couple awaiting them.

Harry knew they would be moving that day and luckily he was free for the next couple of days. He wanted to spend as much time with them as possible so he eagerly waited at the home with the interior designer. He hadn't spoken to anything of the three men since they all left back to London almost a month before. Niall he kept in contact with but really hadn't heard from him either which was odd. Usually the kept in touch more so because they were friends, but because Niall was his PR manager. He didn't think anything of it, but if only he knew how hectic their lives were across the pond in that time frame.

After a drive through the valley, they came closer to their home with much anticipation. Seeing all the grand homes in the area pass by, Ezra felt like he was in a whole new world, which, in a sense it was. LA was just a whole different vibe compared to anywhere else on the earth.

Minutes later they turned on their street and the uneasy feelings that had been going through Zayn's mind settled. He wasn't sure why they had came and gone so quickly but he just shrugged it off seeing their home in the distance. In his mind he got a flash of how their life would be, much like it did when they first toured the home. This time however, he saw Ezra in that mix and it felt right. Even within the short time spent in London it felt right. So the fact that he felt off earlier confused him.

When they turned into the gate they all saw Harry standing outside with a big welcome basket full of goods for the couple. As Liam pulled slowly Niall from the backseat gasped. "Oh Shit." He loudly stated. Zayn too must have been thinking the same thing because he looked back to Niall with wide eyes. Lucky the Cadillac was blacked out because you could probably see the panic on everyone's face.

"Did you?" Zayn asked.

"I forgot to-" Niall started.

"Oh shoot. I forgot to tell Harry we were moving." Freddie scoffed like he should have known better from the back.

"Oh god." Louis sighed as Liam parked the car in the driveway. The other sub pulled up behind him as the men started getting out and unloading all their belongings.

"You didn't tell Harry?" Liam whispered to Zayn.

"No. I kind of just been really caught up lately." He awkwardly shrugged. And looked to his best friend standing at the doorstep. "I'm going to go talk with him." He whispered back to Liam. He looked to Niall and Louis as both nodded slowly.

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