Pandoras box

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When Ezra finally jolted awake he was met with painfully bright fluorescent lights, and an agonizing beep of a monitor. He scanned the room adjusting to the light as his heart rate began to pick up noticing the tubes and wires attached to his arms. The monitor began sounding causing his head to pound even more than it was, as a group of nurses rushed in to his aid.

"Hey hey. It's okay, it's okay. Just lay back down okay..." one nurse softly spoke.

"Where am I? Where's my mummy?" He asked still in a panic. He looked to the other nurses whore were checking the screen, his vitals, and the paperwork as the one who tried calming him spoken again.

"You're in the hospital right now. I need you to sit back and calm down okay? Can you please do that for me?" She asked politely. Her voice was soft and soothing so his staggering breathes became even as he sat back.

"Good, that's good. Now, what all do you remember. If it's too much please feel free to stop okay?" She said reassuring him.

"O-okay." He rasped out. He didn't remember, but he had screamed on impact all up until he landed on the roof of the vehicle, so his voice was shot. "I uh had sch-school, then practice... my mum picked me up f-from it a-and we were driving and that's it. I-is sh-she okay? He said softly at first but got increasingly more frantic as he got towards the question.

The nurse that was talking to him felt crushed. Her expression remained the same but on the inside she was gutted about what she had to tell this boy. "I'm sorry. She didn't make it kiddo." A single tear fell from her eyes as it dropped on Ezra's hand.

It felt like his whole world suddenly just stopped. The tear drop from the nurse that landed on his hand sent a chill up his arm. He shut his eyes for a split second and everything flashed in his mind. The last words he ever said to her were "Thank you mum."

Guilt immediately washed over him as he remembered the last words and he began sobbing. He was so close to saying "I love you too." Back to her. That was all he could think about as the nurse embraced him in a big hug. It broke her heart.

The boy had been knocked out for a few hours and all she had managed to figure out was that his name was Ezra. The police discovered his duffel with his footie gear that was all labeled. Other than that she was completely in the dark. The police and investigators we're currently trying to find anyone in relation to them.

Later on a couple of coworkers and friends of Sophia were notified, they tried visiting him at the hospital but due to his state the doctors refrained from visitors at the moment.

A few police officers had gone in to speak with the boy, but he went partially mute. His tears still fell even though he wasn't sobbing anymore. They only got the bare minimum regarding, name, address, school, etc...

The officers even asked about his father and he shook his head. When they asked about close relatives he simply nodded no. He's never known any family whatsoever. The only family he knew was his grandmother and she passed when he was a baby so he didn't remember much of her. It was just him and his mother and that's the way it always was.

All the officers looked between each other. Even though their jobs were too be serious, they couldn't help the sadness that came from their visit with him. From what all they've collected on him and the mother, it really did look like it was just them.

One of Sophia's work friends had been asked to go down to the morgue and identify her body. She hesitated but also knew that there was no family who could to do it. She agreed and was shown her body. Tears welled in her eyes because it was her. She was almost unrecognizable at how badly she had been thrashed around.

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