Summer daze

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When they got home the couple opted to have all of their groceries delivered to the home, rather then stopping at a store to shop. With the buzz finally going around about Liam having a son, it would more than likely be chaos. Ezra has had yet to experience a full mob of people rushing at him with Cameras and mics trying to get any detail they could, and they could only hope not, but both knew it was only a matter of time.

Harry, manned the grill as he started on the burgers and hot dogs. He pulled for them since it was their first day and he wanted to give them a true American welcome. He'd been to tons of parties in LA where the host had them, or some form of them. He'd become real fond of the barbecue food and really enjoyed it when there was a pool involved.

The boys anxiously jumped in the pool ready to break it in, while Harry and Liam stood at the grill under the pergola of the pool house. Zayn was inside starting to put the rest of the groceries away as Niall and Louis cutting up the fixings for the food, laughing it up over random things, as Zayn randomly had a thought pop up in his head. 

"Hey Louis. Uh- not trying to say you're not more than welcome to stay, but... did you ever find a house?" Zayn shut the fridge door looking questionably at Louis. Niall too realized that the man never said anything about if he found a home or not.

"Oh shit." Niall gasped and laughed. "Yeah. Did you find anything?"

"I did actually. I see it tomorrow. Well, I guess move in tomorrow. I already bought it." He shrugged taking a swig of a seltzer as both men gasped.

"No way! Congratulations! Let's go see it now then!" Niall exclaimed as Zayn nodded rapidly.

"Yeah! After we eat we can all go."

"No it's okay. Todays about you two. We can wait till tomorrow." Louis shrugged it off as Zayn scoffed.

"Louis..." He said giving him a "really" type look.

"No I swear it's okay. There's no beds, or furniture there anyway. It gets set up tomorrow." He promised.

"Okay. Where is it? I know you said you didn't like how far we were." Zayn said grabbing the cheese slices and setting them on the first few burgers Liam had just brought in from the grill. He placed them on the meat Pattie's as they melted and toasted the buns.

"It's just a few neighborhoods over in Tarzana. Freddie begged me to stay close to you three. He really likes Ezra."

"Yeah they did take a liking to one another." Zayn smiled looking out the massive sliding door that was open to the yard. He watched as the two boys took turns seeing how far one could swim underwater. "Have you been looking at schools? I'm kind of interested in Viewpoint for Ezra. It's the private school over there in Calabasas like 10 minutes away. I already submitted his applications and have an in person meeting next month with administration. I can ask about enrolling him to see if there's still availability. It would be cute if they went to school together."

"I was just going to enroll him in the public school... I may be making more money than I ever did before, but it's definitely just me. I don't have a split income household. Isn't that school like crazy expensive? Its like 40k for grades K through five." Louis said in shock. Spending that much on school seemed a bit much considering that's even more than some college tuitions. To Zayn and Liam, of course, it wasn't an issue. It never had been. Even with Zayn probably being the more conscious one about expenses like that.

"Yeah, I guess that is a bit expensive." Zayn said with a small frown. In all honesty, he really didn't even flinch at the price when first coming across it in his search through many schools in the area. 

"I'll see Zayn. I've been looking at that school but it's still up in the air." Louis moved around the counter to give Zayn a reassuring squeeze before reaching into the fridge for a beer.

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