"It's a small world after all"

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The next morning Zayn woke up to Liam setting a tray of breakfast down on his nightstand quietly. He hadn't moved yet just fluttered his eyes open. When he turned seeing Zayns eyes he flushed. "Oh you're awake."

"I heard the door." He said rubbing at his eyes as Liam sat down on the bed.

"That loud?" He asked. Sirens could be going off and Zayn wouldn't even budge.

"No just a light sleeper now I guess. Usually when you leave in the morning I pretend I'm asleep." Zayn stated sitting up. Liam grabbed the tray and paced it beside him in the bed.

"So when I tip toe around the room you're already up?"

"Pretty much yeah." He lightly chuckled. He did find it amusing hearing Liam softly whisper things to himself in the mornings when he's getting dressed, or if he stubbed his toe on the furniture his quiet curses under his breath. "Thank you for the breakfast." He smiled.

"I'm sorry for last night. I was a dick." He frowned grabbin a grape and popping it in his mouth shaking his head at himself.

"Yeah you were." Zayn nodded as he went for the coffee mug Liam made to his liking. Zayn loved iced coffee and preferred it, but when it came to early mornings like those he loved a nice warm cup of freshly brewed coffee. Since he was now a full time stay at home step father, he had lots of mornings like that.

"I'm sorry Z." He frowned as he planted a kiss on Zayns forehead. As upset as he was he still warmed up to it. "I took the day off. Can I take you and Ezra out today?" He asked.

"It's fine. Yesterday was yesterday." He waved off. "Where to?" He asked taking a bite of the bagel Liam prepared with cream cheese and strawberries on top. Liam cracked a smile as the anticipation in him welled up.

"It's a surprise for you both." He said grabbing another grape.

"Should I be worried?" Zayn arched his brow. Zayn was never one for surprises and Liam wasn't one to try and plan them.

"No. Not at all. Just wear comfy shoes and dress for a long day outdoors. I'm going to wake Ezra and tell him as well. We leave in an hour." He said excitedly exiting the room.

"What about Char-" Zayn started but sighed as the door shut after Liam left. He picked up the bagel and took a big bite. He heard a bit of chatter outside the door, then soon Liam came back in clasping his hands together.

"I already ate so you finish up. I'm going to get ready then I'll start packing the car yeah?" Liam gave a thumbs up then walked into his separate closet to get dressed.

Later on when Zayn was all showered up and looking through his clothes he groaned. "Li, how outdoors are we talking? Like are we going on a hike, or going to the beach?"

Liam popped his head out from the door frame of Zayns closet. "Well, no not a hike but we will be doing a lot of walking. Here also let me put this on you." He said squirting some moisturizing sunscreen on his hands. He moved closer to Zayn and started lathering him up. His face so close to Zayn's that after rubbing in the sunscreen he stared deep into his husbands eyes then planted a quick peck to his lips.

"There. Perfect. Like you." Zayn chuckled and blushed a bit. It was corny, but he liked corny. Heck he watched all the cheesy Hallmark Holiday movies religiously.

Later on in the car Ezra was itching with curiosity in the back seat as Zayn looked out the window noticing they were going to what seemed like downtown LA. When they passed that he looked over to Liam who was just smiling foolishly.

A few more minutes later Liam reached in into the console and pulled out two eye masks. "Okay you two. Put these on." Zayn looked at the mask then to Ezra and shrugged. They both slipped on the masks and didn't ask any further. "No peaking. I'll let you both know when you can take them off."

Keeping up with ZIAM (The Contract Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now