The first family lunch

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The car ride to the place was silent. Neither knew what to say so they just left it at that. This was definitely a learn as they went process which was scary for Liam. He liked an agenda and knowing things. It must be why all of this going on right now and even years back with the contract, it was so foreign to him.

Ever since he could remember his life was pretty much laid out for him to a T. In fact, almost too planned out on his fathers part, given the contract. That aside, everything else was mapped out. He was always surrounded by a schedule and the exuberance of his parents life, so he picked up on it and liked planning things. It was natural to him.

They arrived and parked both sighing out longly. "You ready?" Zayn asked. It threw Liam off because it was he who should he asking him that.

"Are you?" He said quizzically unbuckling his belt.

"I don't know... Zayn said as he drew out a shaky breath. He looked to Liam then turned to exit the car. The other man sighed but shrugged it off.

They entered the restaurant as Niall and Louis spotted them seeing as they were sat facing them. Andy and Ezra's backs were to them, but as they caught the two men's gaze toward the door, they turned around and were met with the presence of Zayn and Liam.

When they neared the table Andy stood up to greet Zayn as the boy sat there nervous. It was one thing to meet Liam his actual father, and it was another to meet someone who he was never familiar with, who was his fathers husband. Andy made sure to have that conversation with him when he first gave him that file with the picture.

Sure he didn't have a name or face to Liam for a long time, but he knew he existed. The arm in the torn up picture next to his mother always gave him a sort of hope that he was somewhere. Actually Meeting Zayn, his now step father, and not just a few exchange of words in the doorway of their home was strange. "What if he doesn't want me?" He thought to himself.

"Hi Zayn. Nice to see you again. Andy said shaking the raven haired man's hand. "Liam." He said shaking the other man's hand firmly receiving a nod.

"Hello." Zayn said with a half smile.

"Ezra. I know you've already kind of met him, but this is Zayn, Liams husband. Then obviously Liam." He said turning around to the boy and gesturing towards the man.

"Hi." Ezra said quickly offering a smile then waving and putting his head back down.

"Hey there!" Zayn said as he waved along with Liam who smiled but soon it fell because Ezra immediately looked away. Niall and Louis were on the edge of their seats darting back and forth between the people.

"Have a seat!" Andy said while sitting back in his seat. The only ones left available were one that was next to Louis on their side, and the other right next to Ezra on his side. They moved to them with Zayn hesitating to sit at the one next to the boy, but Louis pat the chair next to him so he obliged and sat there. Liam approached the chair next to Ezra with a nervous look as he scooted the chair out and pulled himself back in awkwardly clearing his throat.

Ezra tensed up feeling the man's presence sit down next to him. He knew it was Liam even though he was looking down, because Zayn had appeared at the top of his sight in front of him next to Louis. All these years he's wondered where he was at and what happened to him, yet here he was and he didn't know what to say as he looked up to him where he was greeted with a warm smile.

As Zayn, Niall, and Louis fell into a chat, Liam decided to turn to the boy. "Hey Ezra! So I uh- saw you kicking the ball I have in the backyard the other day. You're very coordinated! Do you take up footie? Liam said trying to break the ice.

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