Tale of two lives

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Sunday March 22, 2026

A small boy laid peacefully in his twin size bed as his mother tip toed carefully into the dimly lit room. She moved to the curtains slightly to allow a bit of light to peak through.

As she did so she grabbed the mini cake she had set down, back up and sat at the boys bedside. She softly rubbed his back with her free hand.

"Hi love... Wake up." She whispered lightly as the boy stirred under the touch. He pulled his sheet closer to his body and tightened his eyes.

"Ez wake up darling." She said humming the sentence.

"Mum... I'm sleepy." The boy said still trying to tighten his eyes. "Too bright." He whined quietly.

"Yeah but it's your birthday today love. I guess I'll just eat the cake myself." She said as she sighed, about to stand up.

When she looked down to the boy she noticed one eye slightly ajar as he stared at the cake she held in her hand. "Chocolate?" The boy questioned as she chuckled.

"Yes of course. It is YOUR birthday Ez." She said still whispering.

He sighed and blinked his eyes as he soon sat up adjusting to the new brightness that shined through his room. "Thank you mum." He softly smiled and rubbed his eyes.

"Now are you officially up?" She asked as the boy nodded. "Then... HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You're 10 years old today love. You're not my little boy anymore!" She said screaming them tearing up.

"Thank you mum." The boy flushed.

"So do you feel 10? Would you like me to take cupcakes to your school tomorrow?" She said calmly sitting and brushing his tousled hair out of his face.

"No thanks. I'll get made fun of." He exclaimed as he frowned and shrugged.

The woman sighed as she looked to her birthday boy. He was always such a soft spoken child. When he was born he was premature so he was always physically smaller framed than most people in his age and grade.

He was currently in his fifth year and had always been behind in age. Most kids in the grade were already or turning 11 years. Due to his date of birth this caused him to start school earlier instead of like the others having to wait a whole year.

His mother constantly worried about him. He was her one and only son who she had at the age of 18. At that age when she found out she was pregnant she decided she wasn't going to bother with the father. He lived a different life than she did let's just say.

She was on academic scholarship where as he was going off his parents money basking in his newfound freedom at university. He came from a wealthy family where as she came from a single parent household. Her mother provided for her the best she could and she went to college to change her life.

She was a politics and international relations major at Ruskin College. It was one of the many universities that sat just 15 minutes outside of the hub of all the Oxford schools. Life there was typical college town but with the added group of Oxford elites and legacies it made for a really interesting party scene.

School that year started early in the August month. Settled into her room, getting use to her new courses, and finding a group of friends, the girl loved her new college life.

Since she was on scholarship that settled a bit of her nerves, but she got a job as a barista at the small campuses coffee shop. She had two jobs back home in Wolverhampton to support her mother, along with attending public school so it was a nice added routine.

The next week her friend group invited her to some parties that were going on, on the campus. She didn't want to at first but her roommate forced her into skinny jeans, a cute tank, and choker necklace to top it off. Very 2015.

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