Better left unsaid or not brought up

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Dinner went by in a flash. Of course Liam bombarded Zayn and Ezra with questions regarding their entrance, but he was relieved to hear that nothing too crazy happened to them. Ezra pushed his emotions towards the question about his mother deep down and plastered a face. It wasn't much of a struggle luckily because he was in awe at the place around him. It was probably the fanciest joint he's ever been to. It's like he didn't even remember the question.

He knew Liam and Zayn lived a life of glamour far from his own, but he undermined just how glamorous it really was. Some celebrities from all different industries had spotted them and fell into conversation with the group on the way out. He shook the hands of people who he wasn't familiar with, but clearly they were big time people.

"You get use to it." Freddie said beside him as the boy motioned to his father who was off talking to someone looked extremely important with the way he was dressed so fanciful. He and Ezra were standing behind the group of men as they all mingled with many famous faces.

When they were done they all went their separate ways. Louis and Freddie to their home, Harry to his, while Niall and Liam got in their own cars and followed the driver as he took of with Zayn and Ezra in the backseat. Ezra rested his head on the window as he looked out into the streets of Los Angeles passing by. A city he thought he'd never even step foot in, now ironically he lived there.

The weekend felt like it was fast forwarded, then it seemed as if that next week had flown by as well. They all started a routine of their own within that week and truthfully it was nice to focus on their own paths for a second rather than Zayn, Liam, and Ezra's. The others definitely still worried about them, but from what they had seen, nothing major was going on. In fact, they seemed somewhat normal again. Whatever normal was for them at least.

Within that week, during the day Liam headed out with Romain to talk about construction things, or went to meetings for permits. Zayn had situated his school, fashion, and modeling careers, as well as getting use to being a stay at home dad. Louis real estate career was fast tracked as he fell deep into the LA realty rabbit hole. Harry being the breakout sensation he was, there was no stopping. Niall finally went to his and Greg's company and adjusted nicely to the new office. People took to him well and the office had never been better.

Over those short days, Ezra learned and adapted to having to ignore the questions, and comments being made by the press if they were around, which sometimes they were and other times they weren't. He figured out it just depended on the area they'd be in or where they went.

Just because he ignored the comments, it didn't mean they still didn't hurt. When his mother was brought up it sent a wave of emotions his way that he fought hard to push back. In public that is. Sometimes when he was alone with Loki in his room or the shower he just let it out silently. He didn't want Liam or Zayn seeing him like that, even though he was comfortable enough around them.

As for Freddie he had made some friends in his own neighborhood. Of course it was only after he was picked up by his father at Zayn and Liam's after his long work day. They were kids who he discovered went to the school that Ezra would be going to. From what he's heard, he knew his dad was on the fence about that school, but hopefully this could solidify him wanting to go with them and Ezra.

For Liam and Zayn, we'll... things hadn't changed much. They both still moved about the week as if they didn't have everything under the sun to talk about. All of the things going on in their life at the moment were in desperate need of some attention, but both of their focuses were set on other things. It may have seemed like everything was good, but both new it wasn't, it just felt nice to not have their closest friends breathing down their necks constantly.

The next Friday had come and everyone was getting ready for their day. Just before Liam almost headed out the door he received a text from Andy saying,

"Hey mate. Be there later this evening! I know you were expecting me Tuesday, but I had a bit of a delay."

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