The announcement part two

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Wednesday December 24th, 2025

Eying his outfit up and down once more, Zayns lips curled up into a smile. He ran his hand over the lapel, then tightened his red bow that took place of a tie. It was Christmas Eve and they were about to head to the Payne's, his Mother and Father in laws.

Saying it still felt crazy. He was just use to calling them by their names or "the Payne's." Of course, since it was at the household they had to dress up. Zayn wore a regular black suit with a red bow and red handkerchief that poked out of the pocket.

It was Louis birthday as well so he was excited to give his friend the gift he and Liam chose. He was also eager to see Freddie! In the past two years he grew up so much and he got closer to the boy who immediately called him uncle after their first time meeting.

He was still examining himself in the mirror when a knock shifted his focus behind him. "You ready babe?" Liam smiled as he put on his thick outer coat.

"Yes let me just grab my coat too." Zayn said heading for their shared closet.

"I mean about the news." He leaned on the door frame.

"Oh. Yeah I'm ready." Zayn flushed, almost to the color of his bow.

"Then let's not keep everyone waiting." Liam moved closer to him helping his husband put on his coat, topping it off with a peck calming the man's nerves.

Both zipped up to brace the December temperatures of London, they exit their home, loaded the car with presents, and drove off. They lived a bit of ways away so the car ride lasted about 20 minutes.

When they arrived Zayn grew more and more anxious with the exciting news he was going to share. Liam was ready. He couldn't wait to tell everyone and get all of their reactions.

They walked inside the house into the living room where most everyone already was. Nicola and Ruth sat on the couch with Doniya and Gemma talking about Gemma's new podcast called "Good Influence."

Doniya's boyfriend she just recently started dating was in the corner with their brother in laws, Nick and Thomas. Michal, Gemma's now fiancé, stood alongside them. They were discussing how adjusting to the family had been for them both.

A now 5 year old Ffion ran up to the two asking for "uppies." Liam obliged as Zayns heart warmed. It always had when he interacted with any of the kids, but this time felt different.

Waliyha who was 19 now, and Safaa at 15 looked up from their phones as Zayn tapped their shoulders, seeing their favorite, and only brother. Besides Liam... he didn't count like that.

It was her second year at a university and she studied journalism in Paris. She was on winter break at the moment so she opted to come home for the much needed break.

Safaa had just turned 15 in December and the two could not have been more opposite. She was in her rebellious "im not like other girls," era. She tried acting tough but deep down she was the little Safaa everyone knew her to be. The way she beamed to Zayn showed it a little.

After greeting everyone in the room, they headed to the dining room next. Geoff always threw a lavish Christmas Eve party. It was a pretty big event where as when the Malik's hosted it was tight knit and intimate.

When they entered they came across Anne, Trisha, and Karen. All the mothers were giggling over the charcuterie and wine they had. They were all kind of tipsy. Not so much as drunk but just enough to keep them in fits of laughter. They greeted each of them then headed to the den where they knew their fathers might be.

Each walked down the hall gradually hearing cheers, and screams come from the screening room. Opening the door they found Geoff, Yaser, Louis, and Niall all watching a past footie game. They walked into the room as Liam scoffed at one of the calls made by the ref. The men turned to see them and all got up to greet the couple.

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