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The next morning, Liam woke up first like usual. He untangled himself from Zayns grasp and got ready. When he was done he moved to say goodbye to Zayn for that morning. He kissed his head as the man beneath him softly snored. He brushed a few strands out of the his face then took his leave to the agency.

Hours later Zayn woke up to do his usual morning routine with Loki, before heading out to his appointment. When he arrived at the office, he was greeted by his world renowned therapist.

"Hello Zayn. So sorry about that last time." He said ushering Zayn into his own room from the lobby.

"It's okay! I'm glad everything's good with your mother Dr. Gregg." Zayn said sitting in his usual chair across from the therapists.

"Any water or anything?" He asked pointing to his wet bar.

"No, no thanks. Im good for now." He smiled as he adjusted himself. The therapist spotted Zayns subtle antics so he knew just by the way Zayn urgently called and booked with him, and the way he was trying to get comfortable, there was something up.

"So Zayn... last we had talked you were headed to the babies monthly check up, then out to LA to house hunt, by the way did Liam find an office space? I saw the pictures on his Instagram." He questioned.

"Yes he did. We even got a family car..." Zayn said trying his best to mask his tone.

"So then what's troubling you?" The man asked as Zayn tried not to sigh. It was useless trying to hide his true thoughts of feelings. He knew he had to talk about it, but maybe leading up to it would have been nice.

"There's uh- something that happened." He said scratching at his head. The man across from him nodded letting Zayn continue. He liked talking and someone listening. He knew he couldn't have gone to Liam about his thoughts because, while he would listen, he'd probably try to interject.

"When we got back there was some news awaiting us. Pretty big and drastic news..." he breathed. "Liam has a son. He's ten and he just lost his mother."

"Oh. Well, yeah that is pretty big news." Said with a blank expression. Sometimes Zayn wished he was the one that studied psychology because he had a really good poker face. He knew if someone told him what he was saying, his face would immediately be read.

"Yeah... I haven't really gotten much on how they came to be but Liam met his mother their first year at university. They met at a party and talked for a few weeks. Then I believe she found out she was pregnant and left her school. Oh yeah she went to a different college in the area. Well she left at the end of the semester and she went to tell Liam but was met with Geoff, my father in law." He said inhaling quickly.

"I guess Geoff didn't think telling Liam was a good thing at the time, I'm not sure, but Andy, Liam's friend from university had known for years. He came across this Sophia girl, I didn't really ever know about her either. Well he's an attorney, and she hired him a few years back, incase something like this happened. She was uh- they were in a car accident and she didn't make it. She's all the boy had. I don't know why she didn't come to him sooner or why Andy didn't say anything but yeah." Zayn said rambling. The therapist just sat back and listened jotting down small notes here and there.

"So when she passed Andy called Niall up, and told him about Ezra. The whole week we were in LA Niall was up in Wolverhampton visiting him and talking with Andy. So Niall knew before either of us. The night we got back I'm guessing Niall told Liam because the next day, Andy brought him to the house. That was the day I was here and so when I got back Niall was already there. I was kind of wondering why, but then the doorbell rang and it was him, accompanied by the boy." Zayn sighed out. That was as simple as he could word it.

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