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Weeks later it was Ezra's first day of school. He was anticipating it so much so that he had his uniform spread out on the trunk at the foot of his bed. His shoes neatly placed right next to the top and bottoms, with a belt and pair of socks. When he peaked his head in his room the night before, Zayn couldn't help but fawn over it so he snapped a picture.

The next morning he was woken rather early due to Aleena's cries. Instead of him getting up to change and feed her, Liam woke reassured Zayn he'd handle it. While his husband tended to the baby he made way downstairs to start on breakfast for the family. He figured he'd make Ezra's favorite to start out his first day.

While he was downstairs he frowned over at the place setting at the bar top where Charmaine used to take up. She had gone back to the UK a few days prior. As much as he assured her it was no problem with her staying for a bit, she was ready to let the family be and enjoy their own time with their family.

He also looked down the hall at Niall's room and stayed with his fallen smile. In a few weeks he would be moving out since Louis found him a condo in Santa Monica. It was closer to his own company, and just perfectly adjacent to the other guys neighborhoods. Harry on the other hand was just a 20 minute drive up the road in West Hollywood.

The only time it had been just the three of them living together was months ago and it was only for about two weeks. Now this time around they had a newborn baby. Couldn't be that bad right?

Minutes later Liam was carefully walking down the steps with Aleena as he shushed her back to sleep. When he successfully reached the bottom floor he walked over to the swing so that Zayn could keep an eye on her from the kitchen while he got ready.

"Did you want me to make you some pancakes too? Will you be joining me to take him?" Zayn softly spoke. He just measured the powder for the batter and added a splash of vanilla for taste into the bowl.

"Errr no actually. The IT people were wanting to get a head start on all the software in the server room before the interior decorators came in. I'll grab something on the way there but I wrote him a note though and put it in his backpack." He said pointing to the bag that hung right by the door to the garage.

He whisked together the powder and liquid contents then stopped at the sentence. "But it's his first day Liam." He said with a blank face. The man knew exactly what was going on behind that face. Zayn was annoyed and he could tell.

"I know, I know, but I'll take him the rest of this week." He said taking a quick sip of Zayns coffee he had made first thing when he entered the kitchen.

He internally sighed due to the fact that he didn't feel like making a scene. He was upset but at least he knew Liam was going to make it up. "Fine. Also why don't you ever just make your own cup? You take big gulps and leave me with barely any." He rolled his eyes.

"Because the way you make it is always better." He smiled then took a blueberry from the packaging and tossed it in his mouth. He retreated back up the stairs and continued on his daily routine.

By the time Ezra woke up Liam had already gone off to the agency. He woke up to the sensational smell of pancakes and bacon. It was very IHOP type smell which he remembered so clearly because it was his first time trying it. His and Zayns that is. They had tried it out after a long day of errands a few weeks ago.

His eyes focused over to the alarm clock on his bedside table. School started exactly at 7:50 AM and his clock read 5:54 AM. He rubbed at his eyes with a yawn and sat up letting his vision clear so he could walk downstairs.

When he came across Zayn the man was plating the last of the fluffy looking pancakes into their own dish. He turned around getting surprised at the sight of the boy. "Oh! You scared me Ez." He went wide eyed then laughed the spook off.

Keeping up with ZIAM (The Contract Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now