Zezra day

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"Are you sure you don't want to come?" Zayn asked Charmaine as he was gathering his things to leave. It was about a week and a half later and he had a meeting with the administration for Ezra's hopefully new school.

"It's okay. I'm fine here." She softly spoke with a reassuring nod. "I'm probably going to put the screening room to use and binge watch The Office."

"Okay, well we should the back around noon. I can pick something up on the way back, but Niall's in the office working from home today, so if you need anything at all just let him know." He said then she shook her head. Her and Niall actually had been getting along swell and Zayn couldn't help but think he fancied her. Maybe it was him just wanting to find someone so badly for Niall. He'd never talked about his love life.

"Ezra." Zayn called out as the boy came flying down the steps.

"Ready. Bye Charmaine, bye Aleena, bye Loki." He said as the puppy pranced down after him and he waved goodbye.

"Bye Ezra! Good luck." She gave him a thumbs up as he smiled shyly heading out the door followed by Zayn. They got into Zayns white Lexus and buckled up. He decided to stop at the Starbucks down the street to get a quick snack for he and Ezra. They hopped down and entered the building as Zayn almost froze at who was in line right before them.

He hadn't seen him since Ezra's tournament and he was on the other field. Last time he talked to him was at the vending machines in the boys dormitory. He knew part of him was trying to avoid the man, but also, he himself wasn't even fully aware of the moments. He'd just been a body there. His mind was elsewhere.

Once the door opened of course everyone glanced towards the entrance. He was glad he was shrugged off by the others but the one person he made direct eye contact with was Kj. The man smiled and waved as Ezra rushed toward him. "Great" he mumbled.

"Papa look its coach A! He helped with the camp! I didnt know rugby was so much like soccer. We did our footwork drills with the rugby kids too." Ezra explained.

"Hey there Ez! look at you saying the American term. LA's already taking you over. Hi Zayn." He nodded as Ezra looked between the two.

"Woah. You know my papa?" He questioned raising a brow.

"Ah yes. We met years ago at this New Year's party. I've occasionally run into him and your dad." He explained. Zayn took a huge but low-key sigh of relief. He wasn't even sure what would've came out of his mouth.

"How come you didn't tell me?"

"Well uh... I-I couldn't let the other kids think I was playing favorites now could I?" He quickly spit out.

"Next." The cashier spoke. Zayn let out another breath he hadn't realized he held. He turned around giving his order as Ezra took his spot next to Zayn. After he ordered he walked the seating area to wait for his drink. After their turn Ezra walked over to where he was again, which made Zayn almost groan. It was his own fault it was awkward between them. He started something that he never should have, but he craved it.

"If you don't mind me asking, how come you're not a famous rugby player instead?" He asked plopping into the couch next to him.

"Ez, I think Kj deserves some space." Zayn tried in hopes the boy would retreat. In fact, he almost laughed at how blunt Ezra had been. In his own way he at least asked if he didn't mind. He knew he'd picked up some things from Freddie. Now Freddie though would've just asked.

"It's quite alright Zayn." He said putting his phone in his pocket. "I actually got a really bad concussion and was banged up pretty badly. If I went pro like that I probably could've ended up worse." He shrugged. Zayn caught his small frown and honestly he felt bad. That was something he could tell was a vulnerable topic.

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