Selling Ziam

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The next morning in LA time, Zayn was the one who woke up first. Surprisingly. You could tell he was itching with joy since today meant the last piece of their moving puzzle would slowly be set into place with every property they saw, and went through.

After letting his husband sleep in a bit he woke Liam up by kissing up his neck. Zayn was feeling a little sensual. "Something about LA," he thought to himself.

He was straddled over Liam's toned and built body lightly making his way up as he stirred and softly moaned still in sleep. "Thank God he's not a light sleeper." He also thought to himself when he climbed over the man.

"Mmf." He hummed out opening his neck wider. Zayn smiled deviously because now he had easy access. He leaned down starting again as he felt Liam's length grow under him. Slowly his hips started to rock against it as another moan escaped his parted lips.

He smirked as Liam's hips started to move cohesively with his own movement. His lips curled up into a grin then another more prominent groan escaped the sleeping man's lips along with Zayns name. "That dirty fuck is still asleep." He thought again shaking his head.

It continued like that for a minute more as Liam began coming out of sleep. He opened one eye to catch Zayns eyes fluttering as the boy looked up at the ceiling from his grinding session, hands extended to rub Liam's rock hard nipples. He liked the feeling, and the sight, but he wanted in on this game too.

"Groping me in my sleep eh? Kinky Malik, kinky." He spoke huskily in his morning voice as Zayns body tensed and jerked up. He was met with Zayns wide eyes, the look of "oh shit," clouding them. He was about to speak when Liam continued to talk.

"Well don't stop now. You're practically dripping on me." Liam said as his left hand rested on Zayns right hip and his dominant hand grasped his solid bulge that desperately pleaded to be free from the fabric of his boxer briefs.

At the feeling on his member, Zayn gasped and threw his head back. His dormant hip movements started again as Liam's movement up and down his length picked up. He was practically palming him and he knew Zayn was coming close so he retracted.

"But Li-" Zayn looked back to Liam and whined. His eyes turned to pleading with angst.

"No baby, not yet okay." Liam said as Zayn tossed his head back once again. He loved when Liam was affirmative in the bedroom. "O-okay." He whispered as he shuddered.

"Get these off." Liam stated as Zayn quickly un-straddled him to remove his boxers. Liam swiftly pulled down his own tossing them to who knows where. He scooted up adjusting the pillows behind him so he could get a good look as Zayn lowered himself onto Liam's massive length.

His knees shook as Liam's tip entered him and he slowly sat down reaching the base of Liam's cock. "God dammit Zayn." Liam moaned deeply into his husbands sternum.

"Can I bounce on it?" Zayn said lustfully in Liam's ear. The blow of air caused Liam's body to shiver.

His voice sounded so innocent and it drove Liam mad. Zayn found it amusing that it turned him on that much so he did it quite often. "O-of cou-course." Liam grunted out. He felt Zayns smile at his ear and quickly rolled his eyes too caught up to even feel annoyed.

Zayns movements became quicker and more drawn out. He took Liam over and over again from the tip down to the base. Even though they've had sex millions of times since their first time, the length and girth hurt him sometimes, but he didn't want to worry Liam so he never said anything. It was a painful pleasure though.

After many gasps, pants, and curse words Liam's hips started floundering. Zayn always knew he was close when that happened so he picked up his pace as Liam gripped tightly at his sides.

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