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After the events of the evening dinner, everyone took their leave. Part of Ezra wanted to stay there. He couldn't explain it but he felt like he belonged there. Maybe it was the fact that he'd known Liam existed since the time he could remember, but he just never had a face to him. Now that he did, he just didn't want to let it go.

Andy was adamant that he had to make sure everything was in order first, before he moved in with his father. When they said bye to everyone the way Liam opened his arms to him just made him want it all to be sorted out already. He also thought that maybe it was because his mother just passed that he was in desperate need of a parental figure around. In turn it also made him sad because he wasn't trying to replace his mother, but it just felt like that's what he was doing.

In the car ride back to the hotel, Andy explained to him how the next week would play out, and he'd be lying if he said he wasn't sort of excited to get to know Liam more. His husband and his now step dad, however, was still a mystery. He'd hardly spoken a full sentence to him yet.

As Niall, Louis and Freddie took their leave a little later in the evening, Zayn and Liam fell into another silence. Just like old times right? It's funny and kinda crazy how the same silences that kept them apart back then felt vastly different than the ones now. These felt more, targeted, you could say.

As Zayn picked up the living space due to all of Loki's toys being discarded around by the boys that were playing with him, Liam stood at the entryway anxious to say anything. He cleared his throat causing the puppy and Zayn to crane their heads in his direction.

"So uh- how'd you like dinner?" He said stuffing his hands in his sweats pocket.

"It was good." Zayn shrugged shaking his head quickly.

"Good." He responded with another looming air falling in between them. Liam hated it. Zayn didn't care. He tried keeping his words to a minimum.

"Zayn..." Liam said with a frustrated sigh. The raven haired man had his back to Liam and with that he shut his eyes with a small sigh himself. He really didn't feel like having a conversation because that would probably turn into a heated discussion. "Yes Li?" He turned to face him.

"Are we okay?" He said defeatedly throwing his hands down.

"Why wouldn't we be?" He questioned tossing Loki's last toy in the bin as he eagerly got the zoomies seeing the toys.

"We've hardly spoke to one another. Just be honest with me, you don't like that he's my son, do you?" He said crossing his arms causing Zayn to scoff.

He tossed the basket of toys into its spot on the shelf as Loki sat down on his hind legs tilting his head in confusion. "Seriously Li? What do you mean I don't like it. Have I once said that?" He raised his voice a notch.

"No, but you didn't have to. Actions speak louder than words Zayn. You couldn't even talk to him." He said with an annoyance.

Zayn couldn't even believe he and Liam were starting to raise their voices at one another. "I wasn't talking because I don't know what to say... he just lost his mother and I'm the new step dad. What, do you expect me to be all happy go lucky and smother him right now. I'm pretty sure if I was 10 years old and the only parent I knew just passed, then suddenly I'm being thrusted into the father I never knew's life, I'd be processing things still!" He said getting more frustrated with every sentence.

As the volume increased between them, Loki laid down setting his face between his paws that stuck out. He started whining because even he could pick up on the energy in the room that suddenly shifted.

Liam couldn't even retort because he was stunned at Zayns outburst. He hadn't really thought about it like that. He felt bad for getting defensive like that. "Zee, I'm sorry. I-I didn't- I uhm-" Liam struggled to gather his words.

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