Paternity test

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Sorry everyone there has been a lot going on personally and I know usually I update daily. I'm trying, but I've just been working on this when I can. Also how do you guys feel about Zelena happening in IRL! I loved it back then and now it's happening so my inner fan girl is screaming!!!

When he pulled into a spot in the
parking garage, a few spaces from Andys car, Liam took a deep breath and pushed the start button to turn the car off. This was definitely not in his plans for the day, and everything felt like it was all happening so fast. One second he was anticipating the boys arrival, the next he was at the hospital about to give samples.

"So uh... Are you going to explain why we're here at the hospital and you haven't said anything?" Louis loudly asked bringing Liam from his daze.

"Holy shit mate!" Liam said jumping up. He forgot he had even picked up Louis. His mind was clouded with the events of the past few hours and it kinda scared him how he even picked up Louis, and somehow made it to the hospital. "I forgot I got you."

"Well clearly... you've been out of it this whole time. When I hopped in I asked you what we were doing and what you needed to tell me, but you never responded." Louis said with a questioning brow that arched up.

"Y-yeah. Shit I'm sorry Louis..." Liam said shocked.

"What's going on Liam?" Louis said with a look of concern that made Liam feel at ease. The older man's calm yet caring tone eased him up.

"I have a son, he's 10, and we're about to provide samples for a DNA test." Liam exasperated out in one single breath.

Louis look stayed the same then it processed and his face contorted up like he was figuring things out in his head. "Wait wait, so he was born in 2016 like Freddie! That means your first year of university you knocked someone up?"

"Yup..." Liam shrugged. That was as plain and simple as he could put it. There was no point in softening the blow.

"Wow. Uh. A-are you uh... how are you taking this?"

"Couldn't you tell? I mean I totally spaced out just now." Liam sighed.

"And Zayn?" Louis said as he tugged at his bottom lip.

"I-I" Liam struggled to get out. He wasn't teary eyed, nor emotional, just very drained. "I'm not sure. He wasn't suppose to be there when I found out. I was going to tell him after but he came back from an appointment so it all just hit him at once."

"An appointment?" Louis asked.

Liam sighed and dropped his shoulders. This was exhausting. Explaining everything. "He's been seeing a therapist... it has to do with his thoughts about the contract." He said with a head nod and shrug

If Louis wasn't confused before, he was then. He thought everything was fine and that all was in the past. They both seemed so happy since the wedding. Yeah, there was little arguments here and there, but they weren't ever serious on that level. Heck Zayns the one that asked for a copy of the contract in the first place.

"I thought all that was in the past?" Louis finally asked.

"That's the problem... it's my past and the possibilities that could have been that's the problem... I think having a kid with someone I shagged in Uni is a pretty big possibility and look at where we're at now. I know this was a lot for him to take in." Liam exhaled and rested his head on the steering wheel.

"So did you fight or..." he said trying to question further.

"No not necessarily. He just stormed upstairs and was sobbing. I asked Niall to stay so I'm hoping they get to talk. Niall actually was the only one that knew about Zayns sessions so yeah... He uh-" Liam hesitated. "When we we're in LA Niall's the one that got the news on Monday. You remember Andy right? Well he's my sons attorney. His mother, Sophia, hired him in case something like this happened... well she uh- she passed away Monday so that's when he knew about it. Apparently I'm all the boy has left. Niall had been with them all this week up in Wolverhampton trying to figure this out."

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