Birthday bash

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"L-look I-I know thi-" Liam stammered as he approached his mates. Within those few seconds of him blabbering Louis was not having it. His temper had reached its peak while he awaited his best mate to get himself dressed shamefully in the office as they sat in the lounge area by the entrance.

"I don't care what THAT was." He motioned towards the direction Liam just came from. "It was exactly what Niall and I stumbled in on. You cheating on your husband." He huffed out with his jaw clenched.

Niall hesitantly stood between the two men off to the side, eyeing Louis with caution. He looked as if he was ready to pounce on the man and he was not prepared to pull an angry Louis off. "Guys."

"No. If he wants to ruin his whole life like this then let him deal with the consequences of it Ni. The least he could do is admit to what he did other than blabbering like an idiot."

"Louis." The Irish man pointedly said.

Liam's chest clenched at his best friends tone. He had always been his biggest supporter. During his sobriety, his playboy era, and in the time that he found himself in the situation that bound him to the man he didn't know he needed. The man he just cheated on... that wasn't fun to think.

"I don't care Niall. Zayn doesn't deserve this. You just had Aleena for Christ sake and you just got Ezra. Was that not enough mate?" Louis scowled at him. He paused for a brief second before looking to Niall then back to Liam with a scoff. "I'll be in the car. Hurry. Your husbands waiting at the birthday gathering he planned for you." He practically spat.

The third wheel in this tension took a deep breath as Louis stomped away. They were always protective of one another and this just hit way too close. For Niall, he was naturally wired to think like a PR manager. This, however, was personal. He had to be a friend to both parties. Even Liam.

"Are you okay?" Niall sighed as he veered over to the man whose color had drained from his face.

An astonished Liam was thrown off by the sympathy. "You're not mad at me?" His eyebrows knotted together.

"Yes I'm definitely mad at you, but that was a lot. I sensed you needed someone on your side for a quick second." He crossed his arms still visibly disappointed.

The car ride up to their home was ear piercingly silent. Not one of them had spoken a word. Rather, just listening to the sound of the road and air conditioning. Louis free leg was bouncing as well as his thumbs making a beet on the steering wheel.

When they pulled up through the gates, they noticed Harry's car and shortly after the car cleared the gate, the door opened to the man. He stepped down in nude blush toned trousers, a white tank tucked in at the waist, a button down shirt that had numerous pictures of food items along with the words "Calories" here and there, complete with white vans.

Liam reluctantly stepped out of the passenger knowing Harry would sense the air between them. With Louis being as temperamental as he was, he was sure by the time he came back down, Harry would be caught up. He muttered a quick "be right down," and passed him with a pat on his shoulder.

The singer shot a thumbs up back as he turned and was met with not so pleasant looks. Louis nostrils were flaring, which he only did when he was truly upset about something. Niall had his phone practically held up to his eyeballs and was furiously typing away.

"Everything all right?" He cocked his brow curiously.

"Wanna tell him Ni?" Louis said crossing his arms as they made their way inside the home.

"Mmm..." He said looking up hesitantly.

Louis scoffed as he shook his head. "Fine. I will. Niall and I stumbled in on our pal Liam up there, balls deep in Kate as she was perched up on his desk." With a heavy sigh Niall dropped his shoulders. Harry choked on his own breath with wide eyes.

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