The post seen around the world

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Harry and Zayn continued to catch up on all things new for the couple. The singers past few weeks were underwhelming compared to his best friend, so when Zayn finished his recap, Harry quickly explained what had happened to him in those weeks. Let's just say it took far less time than Zayns explanation and rightfully so.

They then started talking about how Niall, and louis came about moving and Harry was stunned. He was in shock at how big things like all of them moving really just slipped their minds, but of course, he understood.

When it came asking about their families and how they took it, he was relieved to hear the good news. He really thought Geoff and Liam would've surely had some type of physical altercation. He knew Liam must have been furious knowing his own father kept a pregnancy accusation from him and never told him about Sophia going into the agency. Even his friend Andy too. He couldn't imagine how tense things were during all of this.

Even now when he saw them, it didn't seem tense, but you could tell there was something underlying. He already moved some of his schedule around to make time for them when they moved, but now he was already taking note to move lots more things around. He wanted to be there for them. He knew Zayn better than anyone, so even though he said he was fine, Harry felt like that wasn't necessarily true.

Soon Liam woke up from his short nap and went to look for the pair. He tip toed, careful not to wake Louis. He was a grouch when woken up. More so than Zayn and that was one thing he had to get use to when they were first a thing.

He heard their voices down the hall so he followed the sound. He saw that the office door was slightly open so he knocked softly then walked in. He smiled to Harry them looked to Zayn. His smile fell just a smidge, noticing Zayns slightly red eyes. He knew he probably just trauma dumped on his best friend trying to explain everything.

"Hey babe, Harold." He said moving around Zayn to give him a kiss on the cheek. Harry spotted Zayn lean in with ease but the look on his face said otherwise. He also made a mental note to talk with Niall, and to his dismay Louis, about the couples dynamic as of late. Leave it to psychology minor Harry to get to the bottom of this.

Harry sighed rolling his eyes. "Liam... we're friends now. Don't call me that." He said with a big grin at first but it turned to a narrowed eye scowl with the last sentence, causing Liam to laugh and Zayn to smirk. He loved seeing them go at it like that. To see it go from subtle digs at each other when they first met, to being sarcastic almost like siblings was fascinating. If there was anyone else that despised Liam during that time more than him, or so he believed, it was Harry.

"Oh come on. It's your government name. Plus your fans call you it all the time. Where's that energy when I see all these TikTok girls obsessing over you?" He asked

"Because. They're them. You're you. Duh." He retired as Liam scoffed. Seconds later Niall came in looking as chipper ever.

"Good news. You two are the talk of the town. We'll city I guess. Everyones raving about how excited they are that you two are here. People are already sending invites to their homes, events, and premiers." He said waving his phone in the air.

"Uh Ni... shouldn't that be the least of their worries right now?" Harry asked.

"No actually. So I was thinking... We should just go ahead and go public already. I mean he can't stay in this house forever as cool as it is." He shrugged.

Harry wanted to protest but Zayn cleared his throat before he could say anything. He gave him a small shake of the head. "No he's right. I mean we're already here. Why wait a few more weeks to do it? Might as well have all the hype and speculations be talked about now while we're settling in so it'll hopefully fizzle out." He shrugged.

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