Uncle Haz

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"I'm fine." Zayn said from his and Liam's primary restroom. The door was closed as Harry was knocking from the other side, checking up on his best friend.

"Are you Zayn? From what you told me earlier, and to what happened just barely, I don't think you are." His voice muffled as Zayn looked at himself in the mirror and sighed.

In a way he knew Liam was right. He wouldn't ever admit it, but even he too was frustrated with his own self. It just hurt to know he was trying his best and that didn't even matter to his husband. His husband that was always so understanding, even when they were going through the contract. The sweetest guy. They boy he's always loved.

He moved to the door and opened it seeing Harry's warming and sympathetic smile. Instead of saying anything, he chose just just wrap Zayn in a tight hug. He physically melted into the embrace and hugged Harry back. As bad and probably untrue as it was, he was glad to have Harry now because he felt that Niall and Louis, in a way, took Liam's side through all of this.

For one, Louis was Liam's friend long before they were acquainted. Niall always just naturally talked with Liam. Maybe it was the age, the fact that they both owned their own businesses, or because Liam was technically Zayns boss still. Even though he had a stake in the company now that he and him were married, Liam still oversaw everything when it came to Zayns jobs or bookings so naturally, he and Niall were always in contact when it came to their PR things.

"I don't want to feel like this Haz." He tightly shut his eyes, trying not to let the water take over and flood out.

"I know Zee." Harry he rubbed at his back. Rather than pushing, he knew his best friend needed time to think. He didn't want to force him to talk about it anymore. He told Zayn he'd be downstairs cleaning up the kitchen so they didn't have to worry about it later. When Harry left Zayn exhaled and decided to shower off the day. He'd been on a plane, to the beach, and in the chlorine. Maybe he could even wash away what just happened.

"Are you okay Liam?" Louis watched from his side of the tub as Harry went from the stares and into the kitchen. Since the massive sliding door was fully opened, go got a full view straight into he home.

"Yeah that was pretty intense." Niall said as he lifted himself out the pool and into the tub again.

"I'm fine." Liam puffed out a cloud as it scattered across the water. Niall and Louis took a deep breath and decided not to press further.

The rest of the time felt like that interaction was looming over them, but soon was cleared by Niall making a joke about some random thing. The younger boys took to the screening room after drying off, where immediately they hooked up Liam's console which was now Ezra's too. Harry cleaned up the kitchen, as Louis and Niall came in to help.

For Harry and Louis things were rather odd, but they did their best to not let it phase them, but Niall just scoffed and laughed at them internally. Liam stayed in the steaming hot tub until he took a dive into the pool doing laps as the sun fully set and the pool lights came on.

Zayn finished showering and moved quietly to the balcony that overlooked the backyard. He watched as Liam swam laps in the pool, occasionally floating on his back so he was careful to shy back into the darkness of the balcony. He sat on one of the chairs with a heavy and weighed down sigh. Clearly things weren't as "fine" as he said. It was the first day in LA and they've already had a disagreement. He couldn't believe it. Their dynamic had been going good for so long and as of late it all just felt like it was crumbling away.

He saw Liam get out and go for his towel, drying his hair off, so he retreated inside before he was spotted. He heard chatter, and laughter from downstairs but decided on calling it a night. He didn't want to be a damper on the mood.

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