The first family dinner

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After lunch at the shake shack, Liam dropped Zayn off back at home. The ride there was quiet as one would gather from the way they'd been acting the last few days. Zayn leaned over the console to peck Liam on the cheek. The brunette tried to return the favor like he did at times, but Zayn was took quick. Before he knew it, the door had closed and he watched his raven haired husband walk inside without looking back. With that, he put the car in drive and headed toward the agency.

When he had entered the home, Zayn immediately went to Loki's little gated off area. He was already getting so big and soon he'd outgrow it, but for then it worked. He picked up the pouting puppy who was begging to be pet and loved on. He scooped up the ball of fluff and gave him a squeeze.

"Hi Loki. I could really use your cuddles right about now. My therapist is still out so can you help me?" He asked with an exaggerated frown. The dog just tilted his head as Zayn used his puppy voice. Then when he finished he licked at him causing his owner to chuckle out. He moved to sit in the living room where he sighed after falling on the couch.

"How did I go from being an expecting father, to a stepfather... I know. Crazy right." Zayn said since Loki once again tilted his head.

"I'm so lost buddy." Zayn said actually frowning while he fell on his back across the couch. Loki claimed over him nuzzling right up to his neck which made Zayn feel comfort instantly. Soon his eyelids began to slowly close and before he knew it he was out.

Over at the agency Liam fell back into his usual work routine, but often times he caught himself drifting of into wondering and worrying about Ezra. It was strange how that instinct worked. He had it with Zayn, his unborn daughter, Loki, his friends, and family, but now that he for sure knew Ezra was his, it came naturally.

So much so that he called up Niall asking what hospital the boy was at. At first the man was confused, but when Liam explained why he felt a sense of pride in his friend since Liam wanted to cover his hospital bills, so he didn't have that looming around. He wondered why he didn't just ask Andy, but he also thought back to how he first told him about Ezra a few days ago and how mad the man got at his supposed friend.

When Liam got confirmation from Niall, he called up the hospital and asked to speak to the billing department. He told them the name and the situation and just like that, it was covered. While he sat at his desk he grew curious and looked up the accident. What he found was devastating.

The fact that the boy was still there was a miracle. Something in him just broke because as he looked at the screen, big fat tears streamed down his face. The car was unrecognizable, plus it was upside down. It was a news article that came with a couple of pictures of the scene that weren't contained with any graphic content.

The next few pictures were of the driver who caused the accident. From what he read, the man was coming from his 5th bar of the evening as the police gathered from him. They also found that he'd been through a divorce and lost his job so the affects of it were heavy on him, which more than likely caused him to drink that much at that time of the evening.

He scrolled a bit further having read the description of the accident, then came across a picture of Ezra and Sophia. It was a photo of the boy hugging his mother. He was in full footie gear, while Sophia had on leggings, and a shirt that read "EZ'S #1 SUPPORTER" in glittery vinyl letters. He couldn't fathom seeing it anymore so he shut his laptop abruptly.

His breathing started to get shaky thinking about how she was his only supporter. That in turn made him angry at himself for not being there, but that also just made him think about his father. Technically he was the reason he wasn't in this boys life. As he thought more and more about it he could feel his grip on his clenching fists become intolerable.

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