Blast from the past

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The next morning Zayn woke up at the crack of dawn with Liam's snores above him. He saw how he was cuddled up to his husband and broke into a small smile. Regardless of the day before, he still warmed at seeing Liam's adorable, and almost kid like sleeping pout. He carefully maneuvered his way out of the man's grasp and rolled over to grab his phone checking the time as the early morning hued the neutral toned room.

Tons of messages, notifications, emails, and calls were missed from his family in their family group chat and his in laws, since their day was halfway over in the afternoon. Mostly they were just checking in, seeing how things were the first day. He quickly responded to all of them, then headed to his suitcase to get dressed to go on a Starbucks run.

He didn't feel like there was a point in calling on a driver since it was so early in the morning, so he chose to venture out onto the streets on his own. Don't worry. He had driving lessons in America a few years back. He even got to drive a bit when they came down to look at house's initially so he had the idea. Was it a good idea? Probably not but from what he googled, the closest one was literally up the street.

He exit the room quietly shutting the door. He went to the other side of the hall where Ezra's room door was already ajar. He poked his head in to check on him and saw he and Freddie sprawled out crazily on his side, as Ezra calmly looked like a picture perfect movie scene where they roll out of bed all done up and effortless.

He moved down the steps to find Loki already waiting by the door. His tail sped up as he saw Zayn walking toward him. He must have slept in Ezra's room but came down in hopes someone would be up to let him out. Zayn chuckled at how smart the puppy was and gave him a big rub of his belly, then unlocked the door and slid it open. He dashed out into the dewy, valley, morning air.

He shut it then locked it up as he walked over to Louis room listening from the door to hear snores. He walked over to Niall's room doing the same and heard the man's louder snores as well. At least Liam wasn't that bad of a snorer. It was more from his nose than open mouth like them. Also, something he prided himself on was that he himself was a pretty sleeper.

He grabbed the keys to their new family car from the counter and went into the garage. He would've taken anyone that was up with him, but everyone was asleep so this would definitely be a big order for him to carry in on his own considering Nialls own order was two drinks and a double smoked bacon and cheddar.

When he pulled up into the parking lot the line was rather long so he decided to just go inside. Luckily hardly anyone was in there so he thought he'd be good to go in. He pulled the hoodie he threw on over his head and exit the car. He couldn't wait to try all the coffee joints in the area, but of course, nothing was wrong with ole faithful.

He did a quick scan of the parking lot out of habit, just to make sure there wasn't anybody with a camera. It was very early in the morning so he doubted they'd be out and about just for him. Beyoncé, Kim, and Rihanna maybe. Considering the announcement all over social he just couldn't be too sure.

He walked in and ordered his drink causally. The girl gasped and blushed, but continued to take his order. You could tell she was use to celebrities that came in frequently. When he completed his order he moved to the corner where comfy looking seating chairs were. There was only two other people in the establishment. One typed away at their laptop in the other corner, and the other had books spread out on the long table in the center of the joint.

He chuckled under his breath as he noticed one in the opposite corners bag reading UCLA, and the other persons laptop cover a few tables away read CSUN. The two schools he was thinking about transferring to, to complete his Masters and maybe even a PhD, which is what he was initially striving for.

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