Grandmas know best

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So I've been seeing all the TikTok's about Harry singing Stockholm Syndrome and all the new Harries thinking it's like an unreleased single... pls. I can't. Then Liam getting interviewed and saying they started a new group chat... I cannot get my hopes up PLS. Plus if Zayn isn't in this GM I'll cry. Not to be dramatic or anything but its all just way too much for my heart. I know I shouldn't have believed in the reunion for The Late Late Show but I mean can you blame us. Okay... rant done.

"Mum, Karen... what are you doing here?" Zayn asked stepping in front of them. He knew there was no chance that they didn't see Ezra but he could only hope.

"We came to check on you boys. We didn't know when you had gotten back from LA, and missed Mother's Day last Sunday, so we were in the area with some of the girls from the club and decided we should celebrate tomorrow. We came to tell you. Uh- Hello. Who is this?" Trisha asked looking over Zayns shoulder as Ezra looked like he was trying to sink into the couch with a small smile.

Karen was studying the boy more closely. Something about him just seemed familiar but she couldn't place it. While staring him down Liam came into view as he whispered something in the boys ear as he nodded and got up to go out the sliding door followed by the puppy. Liam came around and stood next to Zayn with a serious face.

"Who is that Liam?" Karen tilted her head to the side.

"Uhm- mum... Trisha... come sit at the island. Tea?" Liam offered. The four of them moved to the island with liam and Zayn standing on the side by the stove, and the two mothers sat on the stools facing them. Both were a little on edge seeing the demeanor of both boys shift. It was silent while Zayn filled their electric tea kettle with water.

"So Liam. Who is that?" Karen asked with a stern voice. It's as if she might have figured it out. Trisha looked to her confused, picking up on her tone, because while she was curious too, she was only thinking Zayn and Liam were babysitting for a friend or something.

"He's my son." Liam said blankly with no hesitation. Zayn stood next to him waiting for their reactions. Trisha chuckled a bit but she looked to Zayn who subtly nodded to her.

"Your son?" Trisha said opening her eyes wider.

"Yes... my son. Well our son." He said quickly glancing to Zayn. Deep down his heart warmed hearing Liam say "our"

"How did th- well I mean no. I know how that happens, but when? Honey he looks like he's around eight..." his mother asked then stated with a confused look plastered across her face.

"He's ten actually... just turned it. So then dad didn't tell you then... nice to know." He breathed in a sigh of relief. For a minute he may have though Karen might have known too.

"Wait wait... your father knew?" Karen said with a hint of anger. Liam inhaled and looked to Zayn as his husband rubbed at his upper back to show him he had his support. Liam softened and sighed again. He looked out to the back seeing Ezra playing with Loki and shook his head.

Liam briefly explained the events of the past week to his mother, and Trisha. Zayn served them a cup of tea hoping to relieve some of the tensity in the room. Both woman were at the edge of their seats with every word Liam said. He circled back to when it all happened with Sophia, the memories from uni that he can recall, explained where they had been living since, mentioned how Andy came into it all, then the accident, Niall telling him, and actually meeting him for the first time.

He even pulled out the paternity test results from his briefcase which both mothers just stared at reading the lines over and over. While they did that he explained Andy's plan in moving forward with the transfer of custody, which by the looks of it seemed like he and Zayn were handling it well.

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