Bibs and relocating?

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"I swear there's so many birthdays in this group." Liam sighed as he turned around in the bed.

"Well at least it's only Harry's and we don't have to attend a birthday dinner or something." Zayn said as he FaceTimed his best friend. It was currently 12 AM in the states so it was the perfect time to call him he had just woken up because he set his alarm.

"If he was here I'm sure there would be a whole day planned. Maybe he's asleep. He probably had a late show or something." Liam whined. He and Zayn may have stayed up late last night doing certain things.

"OH! Shhhhe'sanswering. Hey Haz Happy Birthday!!" Zayn said quickly and smacked Liam's arm lightly.

"Hey Z! Thank you!! You called this early? Isn't it like morning there?" Harry said as loud music came from the building he stood outside of.

"Yeah but I got up just to wish you happy birthday! Please tell me I'm the first one." Zayn smiled to him. The dim light from the lamp lighting half of his face.

"Aw and you never get up this early wow I feel special. Yes you're the fiiiirst. MORNING LI BEAR!" He screamed as Zayn flinched.

"Morhhinhrreh" Liam mumbled from under his pillow.

"Huh!?" He asked.

"Morning Harry. Happy Birthday." Liam sat up and poked his head in the frame. He rubbed at his eyes and yawned.

"Aww you got up just to tell me happy birthday too? Wow I feel so loved." Harry showed his full set of teeth. You could tell he was a little tipsy.

"Are you at a club?" Zayn asked .

He looked to the building behind him and nods. "Uh yeah. I don't know which one but yeah I'm at a club."

"Haz be careful." Zayn sighed with concern.

"I will I will." He laughed with his deep voice. "Thank you for calling. I miss you zayniiiee." He said as he kissed the screen warning a soft "ew" from Zayn. "Bye Li beeeaaarr." He waved.

"Bye Harold." Liam said half asleep waving.

"Bye Haz. I miss you. Happy 25th!" Zayn finally pointed to screen towards himself as he waved with his free hand.

"Bye Z! I'll call you l-later on to-day." He said bursting into a fit of hiccups. "I love both of you!" He said as a group of people came and brought him back inside with the call ending.

Zayn sighed. He really missed having Harry there all the time. They spent four years together right next to one another and he went off and did his own thing. Sometimes he felt guilty for feeling that way, but he was genuinely happy for him.

"You okay Zee?" Liam said bringing him down to cuddle into his side as Zayn turned the light off. Liam had the blackout curtains closed, so even though the sun was rising it still remained pitch black.

Zayn yawned heavily as he set his phone down then wrapped his arm around Liam's bare chest. "I just miss him."

"I know... believe it or not I miss the twat too." Liam ran his hand through Zayns hair as the boy got use to the feeling. He started drifting back to sleep quickly.

"I know you do." He said before he was back in his sleep. Liam kissed the top of his head and laid his head back as he too drifted off to sleep.

After a lazy Sunday filled with nothing but cuddles and naps, Monday was quite the opposite. They first had their surrogates monthly check up. Since Liam had cleared both schedules the two were free the whole day after so they decided to do some baby shopping after followed by a trip to go look at vehicles. Liam wasn't as thrilled because he hadn't brought up the idea of moving to Zayn and driving a car in the UK is vastly different than the ones in America. He went along with Zayns wishes since he wasn't sure how to bring it up.

Keeping up with ZIAM (The Contract Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now