Zayns name list

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"Are you ready to find out the gender you two? Their usual doctor greeted them excitedly. It was April and it was the begging of their fifth month of the pregnancy.

"Yes Dr. Montgomery!" Liam beamed as he held Zayns shaking hand.

The agency they went through gave them the opportunity to either be there for the sonogram or be told the results and of course they chose to be there in person.

"Zayn?" The doctor asked.

"Yes sorry I'm just super nervous." Zayn flushed as Liam wrapped an encouraging arm around him.

I"Oh don't be! Either way this baby is getting two amazing fathers!" She smiled to the couple who shook with jitters. "Ready Charmaine?" The doctor asked their surrogate as she nodded with a soft smile.

The doctor lifted her shirt as she applied the gel and wand to the stomach area. She winced at the coldness and shook her head. "That will never get easier." She giggled as the doctor smiled back.

Zayn and Liam were anxiously looking at the screen. Zayn had more of an idea of what he was looking at but Liam, no matter how hard he squinted  his eyes, he never knew what was on that screen.

"Okaaay let's see here. Oh there's baby." She said moving and steadying the wand.

Zayn teared up anytime he saw the sonogram. This baby was not only a part of him but also a part of Liam. The baby was theirs and it always felt surreal when he thought about it.

Liam had moved his free hand to his mouth anxiously chewing at his nails. He still tried looking at the screen trying to make out the blobs. He didn't know what he was so nervous but it's just came naturally.

"Well. Zayn and Liam... You'll be having a beautiful baby girl. Congratulations!" The doctor said as she set down the wand and cleaned up the girls tummy.

"Awww Congratulations" said Charmaine as she tugged her shirt down straightening and sitting up.

Zayns tears finally streamed down his cheeks as he excitedly turned to Liam attacking him in a hug. Liam was at a loss for words. Something about knowing the gender just made it even more real than it already was and has been. After a second it set in and he wrapped his hands around Zayns body.

"A-a girl?" Liam asked softly.

"Yes! Look right about here. If you had a boy there would be a liiiiitle speck right about there." The lady in the scrubs stood by the screen and circled the area. "How many copies would you both like?"

"Um 8 please." Zayn said as he lifted his head from Liam's chest and wiped his tears again.

"Of course I'll be right back." She said leaving to retrieve the copies.

"Thank you so much again." Liam turned to Charmaine.

"Yes thank you for the congratulations!" Zayn went and hugged her first.

"Of course it's a pleasure. Anytime I see you two it just makes my day. I'm so excited for this baby and she's going to have the best dads ever!" She said hugging Zayn tightly and moving to Liam who held a softer grip.

"Here you go boys your copies. I'll see you three next month for the 6 month check up! Have a good nice day." She said as she handed the pictures to Zayn and walked back to another room.

As usual Zayn and Liam walked Charmaine to her vehicle and saw her off. When she left the parking garage Zayn and Liam looked to each other with such adoration. "A baby girl Zee..." Liam reached to Zayns nape of his back just below his ear.

"I know I-I'm in shock." Zayn said his eyes getting misty again. "Hey Li..." he asked


"Thank you for being the best guy that I could've asked for and more. I love you Liam, and I couldn't imagine my life with anyone else." Zayn choked out in the quiet parking garage as he embraced Liam tightly.

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