Reckless behavior

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The car ride home from Malibu was fairly quiet. They had been with Ezra everyday for the past month. In reality it was a short time frame, but to them it felt longer than that. Maybe it was the tension that caused it to feel like longer then. Maybe in LA times just went by slower.

When they arrived home it's like the two didn't even know what to do. Their day was mostly preoccupied with Ezra. It baffled them honestly. It was true though. Liam did what he needed throughout the day then always came home to them. Sometimes to Niall, Louis, Freddie, and Harry at that. Zayn on the other hand was with him all day. To say they weren't a little off track was an understatement.

They did end up taking advantage of the loneliness since Niall still had things to tend to. Let's just say it got pretty steamy in multiple areas of the house they hadn't done the deed in quite yet. It was a riveting and spontaneous feeling, especially since the two felt like they hadn't let loose in a while like that.

After plenty of rounds and lazing about their tussled up home, the two finally got cleaned up, picked up the house, and planned a date night just for them. They'd been around their friends a little too much If you asked both of them. The other three didn't mind though. They all knew how much they needed it, just like their scheme they hatched.

That night both got home and FaceTimed a rather tired looking Ezra. Zayn pulled up the camps itinerary one of the directors sent to him and was shocked at just how much they did on the first day. Of course seconds later Ezra was recited all of it in full detail, making sure to include all of the new friends he had made.

Both of the men were dazzled staring at the phone. In just a few short hours the boy they knew who was quiet, a little timid, and very to himself was talking up a storm about the day he had. Hearing how many friends he made was just the icing on top of that cake. Maybe Freddie did corrupt him.

"That's great Ez!" Liam shot him a thumbs up.

"Oh and papa! Dusty, the girl that I said scored a "brace" in todays match? Well her mom is a model and we found out that she went to yours and dads wedding! Her dad is like a singer or something. Also York, Erm- his mom is a famous model too. She goes by Kyra, or Myra Banks." He said running on the sentences barely giving Zayn time to think. He also air quoted the soccer term because he had to break it down to him minutes earlier.

"Oh! Behati and Tyra love?" Zayn questioned. He instantly knew who the boy was referring to especially since those were his colleagues and longtime idols in the industry.

"Yes! Them! Isn't that so cool?" He said with the most excited look in his eye. Zayn and Liam couldn't help but dawn over how expressive he was being. Well, that and considering the way he answered the phone half asleep.

"That's awesome Ez! I'm glad you're having fun and meeting friends. Maybe we can have them over to the house sometime." Zayn offered.

"Oh! I gotta go. We're headed down to the beach for the bonfire bash." He said as a knock sounded on the dorm door." They could hear Freddie hang up his phone with Louis in the background. "Come on Ez! Alicia and Brit just got outside! We need to catch up with them so we can get their numbers." Freddie said rushing from the small window past Ezra.

Liam and Zayn gaped looking to each other. Was Freddie already trying to be a flirt. Definitely must have picked that behavior up from Harry recently.

"Hey boys everyone's heading downstairs. Ready?" Said a familiar voice. Zayns eyes widened and immediately looked to Liam. Ezra had gotten up since the camera started to move with him. "Woah Ez check it out. It's Archie from-" Freddie started and Ezra must have accidentally pushed the end call button because the screen went back to Liam's Home Screen.

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