Crossing the pond

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Within the next week their home had more visitors than it ever had before. Everyone took a liking to Ezra and made it a point to visit him and the couple as much as they could before they started their new life abroad. Ashton was sad to hear that both Freddie and Ezra would be moving too, but was later relieved when his mother said they'll visit soon and when his baby cousin is born.

In that week Liam took Ezra out around London. He even set up a private box to watch the Chelsea Football Club's game that week. Everyone in their family was invited. Liam promised that next time they were in London he'd set up a meet and greet with the whole team. He unfortunately still had to keep Ezra private for the time being. At first the boy was bummed but ultimately he understood. He was till super excited that he even got to watch some of his favorite players in the league live and in person. It was a dream come true.

While in the box, Liam sat back and watched over his his whole family bond with Ezra, and it made him feel content. Even though his stance with Zayn was off and on occasionally those few short weeks, he still loved him deeply. He knew just ignoring their little tiffs was bad, but with the move in less than a week it seemed like the best option. Not just for them, but for Ezra, so he chose to just let it be. Every couple has their arguments right? He thought. Though not typically this big on the scale.

Things had really been looking up. The amount of effort the whole family made to try and include Ezra was heart warming. All the love must have been getting to Zayn and Liam because they had been more emotionally invested in one another. Things felt somewhat normal. Well, as normal as their life could get.

The first of June came and the couple found themselves on the way to the baby's monthly check up. This would be there last in person visit in London. The next month would be a zoom meeting, then come August hopefully it was their last visit. Unless their surrogate did a technically full term pregnancy which was 10 months.

This time instead of just the two, it would be three. Ezra tagged along with them. He was the one that actually asked to be present which, took Liam and Zayn by surprise, but nonetheless, they were excited that he wanted to be there.

It was also a surprise to the doctor and their surrogate. It wasn't their place to ask though and anything that happened within those appointments were protected and would not ever be public, so they didn't have to worry about Ezra getting out into the public quite yet.

The visit went smoothly as usual. The baby was healthy and showing signs of very good progress. The surrogate was as good as could be and couldn't wait to be out in LA. She'd never been before so she kept making sure the couple knew how appreciative they were of everything they provided her over the pregnancy.

When they left the appointment Ezra asked what the babies name would be and both Liam and Zayn had a come to earth moment. Liam knew his mother mentioned something of the sorts when she came across Ezra, but he honestly just forgot about it and so did Zayn. Both knew they couldn't put it off for much longer but with the move the next day they were just so busy.

Niall, Louis, plus Freddie had already been packed and ready to go. It was still surreal to them that they were moving but each individual couldn't wait for the opportunities that awaited down there. Niall would be free of his brother who just couldn't seem to put in any effort, Louis couldn't wait to start working and filming for the new season of the ever so popular Netflix show, and Freddie was excited about seeing all his favorite vloggers, influencers, and tik tok stars.

It was the last night before the big move as Liam and Zayn laid up in their bed for the very last time. They both kept throwing out names to one another. Some they were serious about and some were not. Nothing seemed to be clicking for them. For Zayn it was the way it sounded all together. Since he took the name Malik-Payne, it had to go well with it. "Alyssa Melanie Malik-Payne" just didn't sound right, which Liam scoffed and Zayn giggled.

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