Catch up with your past, before it catches up to you

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"I'm sorry what?" Niall asked dumfounded. If anything why wouldn't he want a DNA test. At least just for sound of mind.

"He's mine. I don't know I just feel it." Liam said rubbing his temple.

"Well at least take it just to prove that he is." Their manager spoke with a "duh" tone.

"Fine." Liam said with a big sigh. He looked behind him out the window and couldn't help but smile seeing the boy travel with the ball with intricate footwork. "Let's go then." He said rising to his feet.

"Okay." Niall sighed in relief but realized Zayn was till frozen next to him. "Zee..." he whispered.

"You all go ahead. I need to be alone for a minute." Zayn whispered back and walked past all three men heading upstairs. He hated storming off like that. It seemed so dramatic but what does one even do in that position...

"You guys go... I'll uh- I'll go talk to him." Liam said before heading back upstairs stealing one last glance at the boy who was enjoying his time outside with the ball and the puppy.

When he got to the door of his room he heard quiet sobs. It broke his heart. He didn't blame Zayn for being this upset. As much as he wanted to be angry at Zayn for feeling that type of way towards his past, he just knew he couldn't. He brought it upon himself and he knew that deep down everything he did hurt Zayn in a way. It wasn't something he was ever conscious of at that time, but he felt a sliver of that when Zayn had been talking to KJ. The thought of the boy he started falling for ending up with someone else, lets just say he didn't enjoy it.

He tried to open the door but it was locked. He heavily sighed as he heard Zayn try to stop his hiccups due to the amount he was crying. "Zee please open up."

On the other side Zayns sobs become harder to contain as he heard Liam's voice muffled through the door of their shared bedroom. "Zayn... I- I know this is hard to process. I don't blame you. Please talk to me." He desperately asked.

Zayn couldn't even form words to speak back. He wanted to, but he couldn't get anything out besides a sob. After a few seconds he finally spoke out. "I J-Ju." He sighed catching his breath. "I need t-to be al-alone right now. Please Liam." He said sobbing and hiccuping.

On Liam's side his forehead rested on the door. His eyes shut as he listens to Zayn struggle to get out what he wanted to say. He wanted to stay and continue trying but he needed to get this done. He knew he needed to know the results before he acted on anything else regarding the boy at least. "I'll be back okay... We really need to talk about this Zee. I love you." Liam sighed out and waited for a response. He didn't get one just sobs and his chest hurt at that. He turned away before taking anymore in.

When he went downstairs Niall, Andy, and Ezra were almost headed out the door. Niall closed the sliding door letting the puppy stay outside as Liam approached him first. "I need you to stay here with Zayn." He whispered. Niall had a look of concern but ultimately nodded. "I'm going to pick up Louis on the way. I don't really want to be alone with him."

"Who Ezra?" Niall questioned back his voice barely able to reach where they were standing.

"No Andy." Liam said as Niall's mouth frowned. "Wait he doesn't know yet or did you tell him last night?"

"No, but I'll fill him in on the way." He  nonchalantly stated.

"That's an awful lot to drop on someone in a 20 minute car ride." Niall warily said.

Liam cocked his brow and straightened up. "And this is an awful lot to drop on someone after an almost 10 hour flight, but look at where we are." Liam let out with a straight face.

Keeping up with ZIAM (The Contract Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now