"Uh oh"

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Zayns alarm had sounded and he instantly woke up. He had been asleep since they landed and it was now 7:30 AM so about almost 10 hours of sleep. He wondered if Liam had already gotten up to go to the agency, because the bed was empty.

The bed dipped slightly as he rubbed his eyes and a ball of fur attacked him in puppy kisses. He giggled like crazy. If it was Liam attacking him in kisses this early he might've thrown a fit, but their puppy was just so darn cute.

"Loki stop." Zayn laughed with a big yawn as the puppy tried to lick at his mouth.

"Ew. No. That's just gross Loki." Zayn said sternly as the pup calmed down and sat on his hind legs tilting his head.

Zayn finally opened his eyes with an arched brow. Looking down at the well behaved almost one year old dog. "Good boy. Where's Li Li?" He asked rhetorically. Liam could've been gone for all he knew. The dogs ears perked up and he stood excitedly doing a circle signaling that he was ready to go downstairs and "look" for Liam.

"Let's go silly." Zayn said playfully rolling his eyes. He uncovered himself as Loki hopped down stumbling over his own legs. Zayn did a long stretch as he pulled on some sweats leaving his shirt off.

He walked downstairs as Loki followed right next to him. Zayn loved watching him go down the stairs because while he was small he was also a bigger puppy since he was a husky and the steps were kinda smaller for him, so his steps were wobbly. Finally when they reached the bottom the dog huffed.

Zayn looked up as the dog ran to the couch where he saw Liam sprawled out. Zayn looked to the clock as he wondered why Liam wasn't already knee deep in paperwork at the agency. Liam wasn't one to skip out work like that, so he figured the week they had exhausted him out.

Loki hopped onto Liams sleeping body and began licking his face, but he didn't budge. "No Loki." Zayn whisper yelled prying the puppy off of Liam. He moved to the sliding door to let him out in the back and set him up with food and water. He'd let him in when he was leaving the house.

He closed the door and moved back to the foot of the couch staring down at Liam. His soft yet heavy snores sounded as his lips parted. The corner of his mouth curled up as he threw a blanket over his husbands body. There was no use in trying to move him. Liam was far heavier than Zayn was, in a good way.

Zayn planted a kiss to Liam's cheek then walked back upstairs to get ready. By the time he finished it was still an hour before his session with his therapist. He frowned as he dressed because he still kept his sessions from Liam. As far as he was concerned he was either at a fitting, or meeting with a brand for a collab. He didn't know the truth, but Zayn knew it would just put a strain their marriage.

He looked himself over and grabbed all his things heading back downstairs. He smiled seeing Liam still in the same position he left him. He started wondering why Liam had knocked out on the couch instead of his bed, but maybe he was doing things downstairs and he just fell asleep.

He shrugged then went to open the door to let the puppy in. He bent down to pick him up as he excitedly pawed at Zayns shoes. "Okay listen. I'm going to put you with Li Li okay. No licking got it?" Zayn said as his brow shot up. He moved around to the couch and set the dog by Liam's arms that cuddled himself.

Zayn nodded approvingly as the puppy just layed down with a heavy sigh. "Why are you acting like you pay bills?" Zayns eyes darted as he whispered. He chuckled then moved up to Liam who was still out.

"Li." He stated still at a low level of voice. The man didn't budge.

"Li I'm leaving. I'm going to fitting." He whispered again slightly tapping his shoulder. His face scrunched up but still no reply. Zayn clutched his heart because he must've been exhausted from the trip. No wonder he knocked out on the couch.

Keeping up with ZIAM (The Contract Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now