The boy he never knew

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^okay so I know he doesn't fully look like Liam but I needed someone who I had easy access to pictures, so he's going to have to do! He does look a little more like Sophia so we're going play at that.

Liams mouth parted as he took in the sight of his said son. His frame was slightly smaller than Freddie's and they were the same age. It must have been due to him being premature. He thought. He examined his facial features and almost hitched because he look exactly how he remembered Sophia.

His grey, almost greenish blue hued eyes resembled hers. They both made direct eye contact, examining each others faces. It's as if everyone and everything around them disappeared. His face shape looked very chiseled out for a 10 year old but it was her structure none the less.

There was some features that resembled him as well. His nose and lips were fairly similar. The thing that stuck out the most was his chocolate brown hair. Liams was a little more sandy but both him and Sophia shared the brunette gene so he figured the richness mostly came from her. If this boy was his that is.

For Ezra it was like seeing someone who he felt like he knew his whole life. Even though the picture he stole from his mothers things years ago was missing the other half, when he got the full picture from the file it just clicked. Seeing Liam now felt just like that. He really had no distinction of who, or what this man was like, yet when the picture was whole, and now, he felt the same. This was his dad.

Zayn shut the door loudly, as it brought everyone back to the present. Okay, maybe it was shut normally, but with everyone's tense silence it made it extremely louder. He leaned on the door as it shut taking in everything. His heart rate still paced as his breathing was slowly becoming unsteady. He wasn't sure what to do let alone even say.

Niall cleared his throat breaking everyone, yet again, out of their individual states. "Hi Niall." The boy said softly to him. It reminded him of when he approached the boy at the funeral.

"Hey buddy..." he said with a half sympathetic smile.

Nobody would dare look at Zayn and it was driving him insane. Everyone's eyes kept darting between each other, but it seemed as if they purposefully weren't taking Zayn into consideration, who was standing behind all of this watching it unfold.

"Can anyone tell me what's going on?" Zayn finally spoke up. It was more of a statement as opposed to a question. He wanted answers. The fact that this boy said Liam was his supposed father was off putting. Deep in his thoughts that ugly little voice that had been there since day one of their arrangement came up again. Not surprising. He slept around. He bit down hard on his tongue almost causing it to bleed.

"Zayn I was going to tell you last night when you landed, but you were asl-" Niall started and was cut off once more. Today just wasn't his day. He couldn't get his sentences out.

"I don't want reasons as to why, I want to know what is happening here. Right now. In this room." He said softly speaking. He was cautious of his tone because he didn't want to startle the boy. He put Loki down and he trotted straight to the boy sniffing at his pant leg causing the boy to lighten up and chuckle a bit, tearing his attention from Liam.

As the boys eyes disappeared out of his line of sight Liam shook his head then took in the situation happening before him. Zayn tensely was backed up into the door, Andy was standing awkwardly in the middle of the entryway, Niall stood still right next to him and the boy was bent down by Andy's feet rubbing circles on the dogs fur. He navigated his way through to get to his husband who he could tell was slowly losing his patience.

"Why dont we move to the counter or something." Niall spoke to Andy with a knowing face.

Andy picked it up and nodded. "Come on Ezra let's go over there." He said leaning and patting the boys shoulder. He looked up and shook his head as he followed the two men he had become familiar with.

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